Mahaja Cloudsong not showing up

Can Confirm, there’s about 50 horde folks trying to find the NPC on my block of servers… a fix/a place that isn’t over phased (same spot had a phasing issue for Brewfest for a few days).


The worst part is if you got the quest in valdrakken and took the portal, you’re dropped 100 feet, lose most your hp, and then there’s no quest NPC, just a location marker.

To be fair, that part happens to Alliance too.

Yeah, I tried all of that too. None of it worked. I also tried reloading my UI, logging out and back in, swapping to various toons, and nothing worked. The NPC is still off lollygagging somewhere and is completely uninterested in helping me acquire the new Heartseeker Mana Ray mount. Rude.

It’s wild that this still hasn’t been fixed.


On Silvermoon, can’t find her either and I have a turn in, question mark on the map and she’s MiA.

On zul’jin the NPC is still missing.

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still gone… why hasn’t this been fixed yet?


It’s wild that it hasn’t even been acknowledged yet, let alone fixed.


It’s unacceptable that Blizzard is this bad at a game that people are paying money for. Seriously, you’re just going to have to add another day of the event for people. How is firing all your support staff working out for you? No one left to reply to forum posts?


Come on, a fix should not take this long. The coding should not be that different from the alliance side. Lots of us have been waiting a long time.


Fix is up. She is there! /hooray

And she disappeared again :confused:

Nope. Not on Feathermoon.

Nope, ti’s not fixed. NPC is not there.


I’ve yet to see on Illidan, so idk what fix is happened or not but still broken here.

One mention on BlizzardCS 3 hours ago saying that they’re working on it simply isn’t good communication.


It’s not communication at all. It’s not on their official platform, or ANY legitimate platform.


I refuse to use Twitter for reasons. And some people can’t for reasons. Why even have forums if you’re not going to use 'em.


It’s a malicious site. It’s not safe to go to. Even with no account and viewing anonymously, ti’s not safe. The only way to make it “safe” is to use a secure browser (with none of your info whatsoever) on a virtual machine (that also has none of your info), and behind a VPN. Not going to that kind of trouble. It’s not worth it. I hope it shuts down soon.