QA testers are alliance. They said the event is great. They’re not wrong.
There are some funny quests that come after it all but no access to it.
The silence is the worst part though.
QA testers are alliance. They said the event is great. They’re not wrong.
There are some funny quests that come after it all but no access to it.
The silence is the worst part though.
As sad as this sounds… it definitely appears that they don’t even monitor, nor care to respond to their own official forums as much as they respond on X (twitter) or Reddit.
You’d think the official forums would be the go to, but alas historically it has proven to not be. You find out more from Wowhead posting some random persons response on X than you do from the official forums.
In order to know there is a problem they’d have to either play the game, or engage with the community…
This is my first event since I came back after several years away and I have to say, I’m not impressed.
This seems like something that should absolutely have been ironed out before it went live.
This quest giver hasn’t shown up at all that I’ve seen on my cluster, and no one else has had luck either.
Honestly, it’s going to be difficult to get them to see suggestions and bugs now that they had their entire CS team gutted.
I’m having zero luck on Horde toons this isn’t good at all.
They are now on X @blizzardCS saying that it’s being looked into under the post with the alliance side festival picture. lol can’t make this stuff up.
Man, it’s a good thing that they have official forums where they could post this stuff on the multitude of threads mentioning it.
Exactly this. I wish they’d post the response here official forums, and then link the response in their X or whatever other social media responses if htey want to get the word out to other platforms.
Their go to and 1 source should be these forums. Everywhere else should link back to these forums.
That alone is ridiculous. The whole NPC debacle, fine. Ridiculous, but sure why not.
But not posting official news or updates on your own official forum is… lol
The known issues list is “known” to be lacking most of the issues too, so it’s hard to imagine they would post more info in these.
+1 US, Stormscale - NPC is MIA.
Just another voice unable to progress on the holiday on Hordeside. I tried toggling WM on and off, and tried doing the trick suggested on wowhead by phasing back and forth using the scenic portal until the NPC shows up but nothing has worked.
US-Fizzcrank/Aggramar, she’s not showing up here either but alliance is working fine…
Yeah…twitter is not permitted on my network. It’s blocked on my router at the network level. I consider it an actively malicious site, and I’m not going there for any reason. If that’s the only place that they maintain a presence, then they don’t have a presence.
O.D.I.E keeps getting stuck on walls and stairs and corners in Stormwind. He’d go a good ways and then reset. Or would just refuse to sniff out a clue if close to any of those.
I tried doing these on Horde on a few different servers and the Mahaja is missing for me as well.
Twitter is not a legitimate platform, it’s an actively malicious site. I have an idea. They could have forums specifically for this game that they could post on to inform players of things. Nah, that’s a crazy idea, it’d never work.
Nah, there are no QA testers. WE are the QA testers. Welcome to beta.
Well if you’re horde you’re bored.