Mahaja Cloudsong not showing up

Mahaja Cloudsong event turn-in NPC missing, unable to complete quest “Love is in the Air”.


I have managed to pick up “Take a Look Around” on a couple characters, but no one’s been able to complete the quest and thus unlock the daily quests.  Horde is basically gated until the quest giver is no longer MIA.


Same thing here. Jumpred on multiple Horde alts. NPC is not there for any of them. that’s a few less tokens per character. not gamebreaking, but annoying as it will take a bit longer to get every collectible from the event


yep. Blizzard - spawn the damn character please and do better testing


I am also experiencing this bug.

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She was back for a second on Zul’jin, then disappeared again. On the character I could see her on briefly, I’m unable to queue in the dungeon finder for the holiday boss. On the characters I couldn’t see her on, I could queue.

On one of them, I didn’t get the intro quest at all so I can’t do dailies.

On characters where I joined the queue for the dungeon while in Orgimmar, I don’t get the intro quest at all. When I join while in Valdrakken, I do.

What is going on?


Maybe if they didn’t axe a bunch of folks at Blizz, stuff like this wouldn’t happen :confused:


unfortunately they have less than a day to fix this without actively favoring 1 faction over the other, and it doesn’t look good so far.


She just respawned on Zul’jin only to disappear again.

I have been forcing the phase by toggling warmode on and off dragon riding to her location exiting game in org and dragonriding back. Some success.

WM on and off not working on this side.

Imagine how frustrating it would be for new players, they’d be thinking they were doing something wrong because the quest giver wasn’t there and they’d likely just abandon the quest and continue with other things.


Same here.
Mahaja Cloudsong is nowhere to be found on Feathermoon server.

It doesn’t even have to be new players, the event has been redesigned so even older players not reading wowhead or doing this on alliance first would know they are missing anything other than hearing people talk about doing the dailies and they know there were none offered. Cause they didn’t know the NPC doesn’t spawn. It’s kind of sad that there will legitimately be SOME people horde side who do these dailies for the first time next year.


Can confirm that this is affecting even my server. Everyone is standing around trying to find this NPC to no avail.

When can we expect a fix for this Blizzard?

Edit: A Hotfix must have just been pushed, as she’s now spawned within my server.

Edit 2: And… She’s despawned again.

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It would be nice if they even acknowledged that there’s an issue. It’s been a problem for hours now across multiple servers with multiple posts about it.


I just saw her spawn, good to know she’s able to at all. Good luck on your realms everyone

there’s a follow up quest from her you need to turn into her too…

Yup. Was trying to go turn in said follow-up when I noticed she was gone again.

Maybe we can hope for a reply or acknowledgment now that it’s been mentioned on the WoW Reddit.

Because several hours passing with multiple threads and not a hint of even acknowledgment is not a good look.

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