I agree that it’s odd to have BiS raid gear come from sources outside of the raid. I find it to be below average game design, but it was all knowledge we had available to us at the start of the phase.
You bring up a good point, but I personally find that topic inferior to having a BiS item introduced mid-phase. Hence, this thread.
The difference is so absolutely minimal. 2 spell power vs 4 intellect. SP doesn’t take its normal lead in a time where mana is virtually non-existent and running OOM is a real thing.
The only folks that this has had a “negative effect” on are goblin sellers who are mad they can’t make bank off this one BoE anymore, and the folks that dropped $$ two days before invokers came out. And even then it’s a non-issue.
Minimal value is one thing, being better than what is currently BiS is another entirely. SP does take the lead based on kill times, which are getting lower and lower on average each week.
I disagree with your view on who it had a negative effect for entirely. In fact, the price on the item continued to drop overtime consistently. It effects the playerbase that was interested in obtaining the best of the best and putting in the time & effort to do so. This addition was an unnecessary change that sunk all of that time spent while clearly hiding it under the guise that it benefitted more people that aren’t willing to farm the item/gold.
At that point, again I ask, why not add every slot of gear for every proficiency right now and have it be BiS since apparently this item is good for the game?
I didn’t buy any gear and even I think this addition is moronic. Anyone that thinks otherwise is also moronic.
There has been 0 communication on these changes and they have been going back and forth with stuff like ashenvale. It’s clear this team had big ideas but lack the skill and vision for execution without a beta. It’s a slap in the face to paying customers to have us just “discover” all these changes day to day and sometimes multiple in one day.
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No. Same reason I don’t get a gold refund for getting honored in order to get the rune before they switched it to friendly.
I agree with all of the mid-phase adjustments being ridiculous. If they valued the numbers being all of it, they would have done the math behind it all prior to release. It’s not like they lack the funding to playtest any of it.
If there were any changes made mid-phase, I would be less unsatisfied with adjustments that didn’t make my time and effort put in the game prior to the change invalid.
Yesss… Rally. The. Masses! Buff the magicians mantle with two spell power! We are with you! Rise up and fight for this random BoE to get meager stat increases so you don’t feel bad about buying it.
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All of the changes they have made have been directly due to player complaints. So if you don’t like them maybe stop complaining about everything.
This is just buyers remorse.
It sucks but you’ll live.
This is a wild thread, wanting to be compensated for an item that hasn’t changed at all (no nerfs, no buffs) just because Blizzard made it easier for the population to actually obtain something that didn’t cost the same price as a level 60 mount…wild. If you bought it, thats on you. I would NEVER spend that kind of gold on something at level 25.
It seems like everybody spouting about Buyer’s Remorse is on the side that it’s a good idea to add equipment in the game mid-phase that takes less than an hour to obtain that outclasses everything else. You can consider my take on it however you please, but it is still clearly bad game design and the changes just happened to change the viability of the item posted.
Not a mistake, otherwise they would be buffing staff of jordan so its not invalidated by a level 25 raid weapon, that is now bis until level 60. (not including them adding anything else in the future obviously)
That is an absurd view on what I’m suggesting to fix. The problem is adjusting the viabilities of any item in the middle of the phase.
I wasn’t responding to you.
Thank you for your reclarification.
PSA: Blizzard will have catch up mechanics for people. If you buy the cream of the crop at a phase start, it’s probably not going to be all that exclusive by the middle and end. Be warned. Their philosophy here, supposedly, is to not appeal to sweats. Your advantage isn’t going to be much. And they’re going to change things on the fly to facilitate that.
I am fine with Blizzard catching up on mechanics for the entire community. If I buy an item that’s the strongest for the phase at the moment it should remain the strongest for the phase. If I raid for an item that is strongest for the phase it should remain the strongest for the phase. The magnitude of the advantage in considerable when players make these resource distributions. Blizzard introducing these items in the middle of the phase ruins that appeal. If these high level craftable items were introduced as a starter boost on next phase’s release that would be amazing.
Perfectly reasonable position. But I think for this particular season that’s not so much the case. They stated they will be changing things as they go along based on how things work out. And they’ve already expressed their design philosophy. So seeing things enter the game that follow this philosophy shouldn’t be a surprise. And if I were you I would anticipate more of it.
For instance, I paid a lot of gold to get honored with the crates for the rune. Then they rolled it back to friendly for the rune. So I lost probably 100 gold.
Eh, it’s to be expected. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they uncap ashenvale rep before phase 1 ends so players can catch up to exalted. People that got exalted through wsg will complain, but again, it should be expected for SoD based and what they’ve told us thus far about their design philosophy. Even I can predict that right now right here.
I am a fan of make changes on the fly to tweak proportions. Those changes only become bad for the game if they end up shifting what is already grounded as meta.
I’m on the same boat with the reputation change. I thought it was a great change even though I dumped a good chunk of change towards it. I know I’ll retain the value of being ahead on reputation in the future. This change didn’t shift any sort of meta placed.
It’s level 25 you friggin thumb
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