Magician's Mantle vs. Invoker's Mantle

It’s not when you consider 25 is not where we stay forever.
In a box, grr, outrage.

Why? Because there’s a random blue boe that used to be 0.1% better than all the others? Or because you spent a LOT of gold on that thing and felt very proud before they added something else new. (that is on par with mantle, not exclusively bis over it)

In a perfect world they would’ve buffed raid drops to be bis and give tailoring patterns that were a buff but not bis, but casters, particularly those who are not skilled players, needed all the help they could get with damage and this really was put here to help them out more than anything.

It’s really not a big deal. We got a lot of use out of the items we were using before. Now is the crafted item’s turn.

Yeah this happened to me, I farmed it up then invoker mantle news dropped literally the next day and I’m like… welp.

Whatever, it happens to everyone. Best to forget it and move on with my life. lol

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You play a deathknight. What are you doing wearing a magician’s mantle?

Plate wearers shouldn’t roll on cloth.

i don’t know who hurt you but nothing that you are saying is constructive you are personally attacking another player for voicing his/her concerns. Who hurt you? this is going to bring her back my dude in fact this isn’t probably why she left.

Out of curiosity, how many item slots to be as easily obtainable as the Invoker pieces to be BiS for the phase would you consider to be best for the game? Would it be better to add in Chest & Helmet slot to have BiS craftable items? How about weapons for under 2g? Why not the entire set?

my bis cloak is a green item that sells for 10 silver so idk man. some bis items are just really easy to get.

That’s fantastic lol, lucky druids! If an item came into the game in the middle of the phase that replaced that 10s green I’d still consider that bad game design. I’m assuming it’s just a green cloak of healing? You for sure got lucky with that purchase if that’s the case! Gz!

Irrelevant. I don’t think your solution is any better. I just think you’re a big whiner.

Be more mad that you spent gold on Magician’s Mantle. You can still wear it. It’s still good. You’re still not getting your gold back.

Thank you for your opinion, but if that’s the case it would be much more convenient for all parties involved if you simply stated that you disagree and then move on. Maybe even post constructive criticism. I’m sure your opinions about me being a big whiner would be more valued on Tumblr.

It’s really the case with a lot of spellcasters, at least with pre-bis right. You want spellpower pieces as long as you can sustain your mana. Shaman rage just got buffed so with some mana pots you’re pretty good to just run spellpower greens. They become bis when BFD doesn’t have a SP item in the raid. Pretty much every caster’s cloak should be a green item.

Balance is lucky you can go for a nature or artcane one. Elemental shaman want a fire cloak. I can’t speak for mages/warlocks but shadow priests want a shadow one too.

They sure don’t. This is SOD. The BFD Epic Staff crushes Staff of Jordan next phase.

What I hear is you are sad that other people got gearing option now. I’m real happy casters that were struggling have 2 new SP pieces to wear that is easily available.

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It’s not required for me to sit here and stroke your ego. There’s no constructive criticism here outside of “That sucks that you spent gold on that item, but maybe just move on and get over it.”

I get it though. You got real mad and big feels, and you came here to the forums to vent and hopefully find some solace from others. I feel a little bad about that.

But the reality is that you chose freely to spend your gold on an item in a seasonal temporary version of the game that was always billed as an exploration of discovery. that there would be new items and changes, and there was always the expectation that this could happen.

I think that having random drop boe gear that you cannot control be the defacto BIS is actually bad for the game. Fortunately there was always another option on horde side. But not Alliance. And I think that it’s a great idea to introduce the invoker’s piece and I find the stats perfect.

it’s a bit less int for a bit more spellpower. It is not objectively better than Mantle, or the quest reward, and now both factions have a more even footing.

I think that the reality is you feel miffed about spending all that gold right before a patch devalued it for you personally. But that’s how spending gold on auctions works. nothing in this game is set in stone right now. And you could have just as easily had gear get devalued by having changes to runes shift the meta of choice for stats.

This is just really something you’re going to have to eventually accept.

You’re correct about my statement of them needing to buff Magician’s Mantle to make a game development improvement. It would be just as good to nerf Invoker’s Mantle or to include some benefit of having Magician’s Mantle. About your Staff of Jordan comment…I’m speaking about mid-phase adjustments.

I believe that people have additional gearing options is always a good gameplay design. Having additional gearing options mid-phase is bad design, especially when they are BiS and easily obtainable.

“I overpaid for a rare BoE that should never have been BiS to begin with, and now I am going to cry about it.”

Blizz fixed what was an unbalanced faction oversight here; Horde got a FREE Magician’s Mantle for doing one BFD quest while Alliance got a worthless Stam/Spirit ring in comparison. Now both factions can have a strong shoulder option, and Horde still gets their freebie for doing the bare minimum.

Assuming you’re Horde, you are a fool for even buying the BoE to begin with. Get over it really.


I never said that and don’t project your bias.

Both are fine. That’s why the Devs added it. You are just mad another option was added. You don’t want other players to have options. New powerful items are welcome this is SOD.

If they wanted to fix an unbalanced oversight, I believe they would have included a stam/spirit ring for the horde. I have looked into the reasoning for this mid-phase adjustment on Blizzard’s end and could not find anything.

All I’m seeing as a counterargument for this addition being good for the game, aside from your faction balancing statement, is that more good stuff means better game. I’m sure there would be plenty more people spamming this thread if a blacksmithing two-hander comes out next week with 32 dps and a 200 ArP proc.

maybe you should be asking why a low level boe is better than brand new loot added in a brand new raid that we’re supposed to want to do.

the cloth shoulder drop in BFD are worse than a green item off the auction house, yet they’re from a raid and they take real effort to get. why is a low level boe end-phase BiS?