Magic RP Guild Search

As the title says! Looking for magic and adventure focused RP guilds, that are active and willing to take a returning player!

In terms of magic the only one I’m thinking of is Magus Senate of Dalaran which also doubles as a server project as well.

In terms of adventuring there’s several that comes to mind that also deal with magic. Like Wealds of Autumn if you’re interesting in world building, noble stuff and Lordaeron.

There’s also Duchy of Lion’s Reach, or Lion’s Reach is a Stromgarde based guild which includes adventuring and they have a magic portion as well.

I really respect magus senate. I think I was in there for a little while but from what I recall not much was going on at the time. I dunno if it’s still that way though.

I recall there being one called Nightgarden some number of posts earlier!

I believe it is a primarily mage-focused organization that skews towards high-fantasy themes, if that’s your sort of thing.

Edit: Found the link [A/N-RP-PVE] < Nightgarden > ❀ ☾ ⚘ Clandestine magic & void research | Now recruiting!


Hey friend, I saw the above posts mentioning Magus Senate of Dalaran. They have some quality players, but are taking a brief break to reorganize their structure, etc. (Due to the recent expansion story.) They will be back in a couple of months incase you do not find anything.

Order of the Lamb is another consideration if you want to lean into the darker fringes of magic.

Their thread is found here!

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I can vouch for Order of the Lamb too, for the dark side of magic.

There are a couple really awesome ones that have been mentioned! If I was looking, I think I’d have loved to check out Order of the Lamb - definitely have some aligned interests with them.

Thank you for plugging my guild!

We (Nightgarden) would be a good fit for a high-power / high fantasy character - extra points if the character has any inclination towards combat things! We also accept characters with aligned interests looking to help out in other ways - even if they do not formally identify as A Mage ™.

If that interests you, please check us out!

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Magus Senate of Dalaran is great. Someone mentioned them taking a break above, but always a good avenue. They’re awesome! You could reach out to Salazar, as he is the GM of MSoD. Order of the Lamb is cool for darker RP as someone mentioned too. Wardom runs that, also very nice.

There are probably a lot of guilds that have pockets of magic RP. I definitely echo some of what was mentioned though!

Yeah, maybe I’ll need to check them out again. I am searching for more of the legal and whimsy end of magic RP, I enjoy having a lot of silly fun with it.

I would offer the services of the Moon Guard.

While not as majestic or grand as some other guilds (I know some players frown upon lore based organizations) it does provide an opportunity into history and beyond.

Since the organization of the name predates even the reign of Queen Azshara, (evidence within the Moon Guard Stronghold supporting this fact) it does provide the fountation and opportunity of another kaldorei/highborne organization with experience, and for those who love to practice and study without the limitations imposed in human societies.

Shen’dralar of Eldre’thalas
(Present Dire Maul)

Shandaral of Moonsong
(Present Crystalsong Forest)

Academy of Nar’thalas
(Present Azsuna)

These are examples of kaldorei/highborne groups/bases with dated/lost magic. There is still so much to rediscover across the Broken Isles, and beyond.

Expeditions within Vashj’ir, Archaeology studies within Zin-Azshari, and excursions to the many ruins across Kalimdor.

Magic is a tool to be used, studied, and perfected.

Nature/Holy/Shadow/Fel. These are no exception.