Its time to make this a permanent mount.
For the 10th year in a row.
Please make permanent.
It’s “permanent” if you never dismount from it. I have one alt that’s been on one since 2014 Hallows End.
I’m inclined to agree that it should be made into a standard mount.
One of my toons still has the Halloween masks on.
Another I’m sure probably has the Valentine’s stuff
We know it’ll never happen, but it’s a yearly tradition to keep asking!
Give it to us, Blizz!
If they’re not gonna respond to us could they at least give us a joke in game to acknowledge it
Lol but ouch too
Ill just keep earning it every year. It drops… the horseman mount has never dropped for me.
Ah the same topic made every year since the broom was a mount on Halloween. Probably will continue to never be a perma mount. Wasting time.
I don’t think it should. its a holiday item.
Yes please! I love it.
I’m sorry good luck to you.
The least they could do is make one broom that’s permanent and one that’s ephemeral. It’s like a compromise. Doesn’t have to be the exact same model.
Anywho…I’m fairly certain the broom will never be a permanent mount because of its ‘instant summon’ nature. However, they could simply change it to a standard cast time to summon during the rest of the year (outside of Hallow’s End).
Or that.
Yes, please permanent mount broom!
If Blizzard does this I will forgive what they did to the slime cat and buy DF.
Back in the day when they were not BOP i bounced one between an alt for 6 months so I had it in early summer.
The latest version does not say it expires, but has “required-Hallow’s End”
So I think they’re trolling us now.
You say waste, i say 30 seconds well spent