Magic broom

I think it always said that and made no mention of any expiration.

I just checked the broom that dropped for me and there’s no reference to expires but I’m willing to bet it will disappear once the event is over.

Be nice if it didn’t, I’d certainly keep it in my inventory for next halloween…

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It does.

When you dismount after the holiday it also disappears.


I’m trying to get slime kitty, but can’t get past the last 2 or 3 end bosses in each raid when pugging. I don’t see slime kitty in my future.


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Who cares? This line of thinking is silly. If I earned a holiday mog, then why shouldn’t I be able to use it whenever I want to? Locking holiday mogs and items is dumb and wasteful of peoples’ time. It’s pointless to expend effort to earn things that can only be used a couple weeks out of an entire year. In other games like FFXIV and GW2, you can earn holiday items and wear or use them any time of the year. WoW needs to do better.


That’s cheating

Yes. We need it. I would even accept the standard mount up speed, though instant is why it’s fun.

Make a Druid?

Happiness is a Magic Broom…


That art style… those girls look like disney villains.

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Its almost 2023, lets raise the bar.