Mag'har Warlocks - Not Green?

That’s all you can draw from it. You can also draw from it that it’s not ambient fel magic and that the god of this world is not omnipotent and is instead Yaldabaoth, their word is not inscrutable.

I didn’t say it reached across all Orcs. But why are Orcs on Azeroth giving birth to green children still?

Blizzard has never addressed it because they don’t want to address Orcs eventually losing their characteristic green color. They would just make up a reason as to why they have to remain green.

That’s all anybody can draw from it. Anything further would just be speculation.

Because it’s genetic.

They did address it. Quite blatantly. They told us that Fel acts as radiation, corrupting those that did and did not drink the blood due to the rampant use of Fel magic during the breaking of Draenor and altered orcs on a genetic level that passed down to their children. The exceptions to this were the Mag’har due to their isolation from the warlocks and society at large.

I will indulge the idea that it is a timescale issue.

Then Mag’har Orcs can stay brown and uncorrupted for up to 30 years, longer probably than the lifespan of this game, and it will not be a problem for them remaining Mag’har and being Warlocks.

Maybe, I mean it’s safe to say Durotan’s change certainly did not take thirty years given he would’ve been a grandpa if that was the case, but an exact time period is never given. So who knows?

Then, as the case may be, Mag’har Warlocks won’t be a problem like people were originally worried about, not on any timescale this game will have to worry about anyway.

Realistically I’d estimate the time was a couple years or so which could be an issue but again, no specific details are ever given and I doubt Blizzard ever will. Even if it was canon lore that Mag’har warlocks turned after four months I don’t think it would matter as they’re clearly just, as they’ve stated, blanket unlocking every class for every race.

Best thing to do is to ignore it. Blizzard is more like a Locust these days than a creator. We all know the only reason for this is because they need Character Service sales. If lore or any of the stuff the RP servers cared about mattered, Chris Metzen or someone else would of already told them “No.”

That they didn’t says the company is just done with WoW.

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Here is the sad truth. The people who love the lore will keep paying for this game. The people who jump to another game because they can’t be a Vulpera demon hunter are the players they are targeting with this.

It wasn’t an immediate change, warlocks existed among the orcs for years before they went full-on green, and in general, the blood of Mannaroth drink is the starting point where most orcs turned green.
You need to be exposed to quite a lot of fel energies in total to change, be it in one swell swoop or over the years by small exposure.
Keep in mind that the dark portal is also fuelled by fel magic and gave everyone going through a healthy dose too.

They were still exposed to fel magic in the environment since they interacted with other clans. And at that point the fel effects was affecting a lot of the planet since it was so called dying.

Blizzard has stated that it will revert in time after a few generations, not how many, but that it will.

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I did a full write up of the Quest so people can read it.

Allowing Maghar to be warlocks effectively removes the lone difference that marked them enough to be a separate race.

Their whole thing was to be the “Uncorrupted” ones.

Now? They are literally a skin with nothing to differentiate them from the baseline race.


Mag’har Warlocks defeats the point of being Mag’har. Fail to see any logic behind letting Mag’har be Warlocks.


The orcs turned green from drinking the blood of Monoroth. Since the Mag’har didn’t drink said blood they stayed their natural colour. If I had to guess anyways. Over time they may turn green from using Fel. But it was the demon blood that changed their skin pigmentation.

You could write a really cool bit of lore in regards to the Mag’har being chased from their homes by the light. So the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend. Since the light stole their homes. They are using the lights biggest known enemy. Sacrificing everything they hold dear for revenge.

It’s not just demon blood that turns your skin green, exposure to fel over a period of time does so as well.

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They already have the Void for just this purpose, which is the Light’s direct counter/opposite.

Friendly reminder Destruction warlocks summon fire from the Firelands and Affliction warlocks use void/death magics.

Maghar can easily be 2 of 3 specs.

Anyways I typed up the feedback

And it’s not as if Maghar don’t have prominent Void users.
That’s the main thing for the Shadowmoon seers.
It’s basically the reason why they had Priests as a playable class.


By their very nature, demons are leeches on the living universe—but the demonologist has mastered harnessing the power of these malefic beings on the field of battle. Warlocks harvest the souls of their defeated enemies; those specialized in the ways of demonology use this life essence to tap into the Void, pulling all manner of abomination from the chaos of the Twisting Nether. While such a practice is often considered by outsiders to be wicked and reckless, the demonologist maintains absolute control over the summoned creatures. These malignant entities are fully beholden to—and empowered by—the will of the warlock, until banished to the realm from whence they came.

Demonology Warlocks use Void Magics using Souls to fuel them so that the Void can be used to draw all sorts of Chaos from the Twisting Nether.

In otherwords most Warlocks of all Specializations avoid using Fel directly and rely on Void Magic.

Incidentally on Destruction Warlocks:


Warlocks who command the power of destruction favor incantations of pure chaos and aggression in battle. In this regard, they’d find a stronger kinship with fire mages than warlocks of other disciplines—if not for their propensity to make use of magic deemed detestable by all mage orders. The destruction warlock is well-versed in discharging a dizzying array of shadow, fel, fire, and chaos magics upon opponents that rattle souls and conflagrate bodies. They require little motivation for the havoc they wreak, happy to revel in the destruction they cause—thrilled at any opportunity to watch the world erupt in discord around them.

It lists Chaos Magic as separate from Fel Magic(which is obtained with the Green Fire Quest obviously) so Chaos Bolt probably won’t effect the Orcs’ skin color either.

The most I can think of as a reason for Mag’har locks is some of them seeking to fight back against the Lightbound and to fight the light with fel fire no matter the cost. The Mag’har clans seemed pretty desperate when you first see them in the scenario. The other reason is a more recent interest in fel magic when they crossed over to Azeroth. They’ve been here for a few years by now and I imagine some might be tempted to learn how to wield fel magic from the Horde’s more seasoned warlocks either for the sake of power or sating curiosity.