Mag'har Warlocks - Not Green?

So they’re adding warlocks for every non-dracthyr race who doesn’t have 'em.
Because reasons.

But why aren’t the mag’har turning green in the way we know, in lore, occurs from exposure to an excess of fel energy regardless of whether one drank demon blood or not? And this isn’t in a long period of time, either.

Could it be that Blizzard’s devs just simply don’t care about established lore and just handwave everything to try and gain more subs?
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I mean they didn’t even have the correct answer in a multiple choice question for a LORE quiz show.

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What a ridiculous mess of a show that was.
People buzzing in before answers were even read and the host just reading them out after the fact. Questions without correct answers.


Mag’har if I recall took years to turn Green so…

Any Mag’har Warlocks are just starting out in otherwords though as we already know Gul’dan became a master Warlock before his skin turned Green from Fel abuse.

Gul’dan became a master Warlock by having the necessary Spells shoved into his head so it’s as simple as that to reach the maximum Player Level before reaching Green Skin.


As I said in another thread, Orcs turned green because of the specific blood curse that Mannoroth put the Orcs under.

There were orcs who continued to have their brown skin in WoD that used fel magic.

The MU Frostwolf Clan though
They had no warlocks
They did not drink the blood
Just being around warlocks (not even for a huge length of time, either, since they left the Orcish Horde to go settle in Alterac during the 2nd War) was enough to turn 'em green

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Yes, they were also exposed to the blood curse. Kind of weird that Mag’har exist in the most fel-infused, hell-blasted zone of Hellfire Peninsula and have remained there and kept their uncorrupted nature if just being around fel magic turns them green.

That’s because it doesn’t. It has to do with the orcish blood curse, not fel magic itself.


They lived at the Throne of Kil’jaeden?

How many years was it between the rise of the Horde and the fall of Shattrath?

That’s how long it takes to turn a Brown Orc’s skin Green.

Furthermore Lord Banehollow did quick training of the new Warlocks because he wanted to eat the Souls of Warlocks.

They lived at Blade’s Edge Mountains not the Throne of Kil’jaeden!

You think there might be a lot of fel radiation in the place called Hellfire just ambiently, that might’ve effected them if it was fel magic alone?

As I said they lived in Blade’s Edge Mountains not Hellfire!

They’re referring to Hellfire Peninsula, which is kinda left open to the Twisting Nether which kinda just basks the land in magical radiation (which for some reason mutated wildlife but not people, don’t think about it)

A blood curse which Frostwolves are not a part of. Had they split off immediately from the Horde and hid someplace away from the warlocks and the Dark Portal, they’d have stayed brown

There are Mag’har Orcs in a few places in Outland, one of them being in Hellfire.

But that’s not the case. Because Thrall, who never drank the blood, was still subject to the curse even after the Frostwolves abandoned the Horde to move to Alterac.

Generations of Orcs today, still being born with green skin even after Mannoroth’s death by Grom Hellscream. Orcs not even exposed to fel magic. Their skin should revert back to brown, yet it doesn’t.

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That’s not because of the curse. It was because they were exposed to fel magic on Draenor. If the curse was something that just affected the entire race then MU Mag’har wouldn’t exist, and Garrosh would be green.

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He wasn’t subject to the curse though. Mannoroth had no control over him, he was just an orc with green skin.

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The official word is that fel magic touches those who dwell in its proximity; this is why every orc who crossed the portal and every blood elf in Quel’Thalas caught the taint, despite relatively few of them directly consuming the stuff. The game’s smattering of high elf warlocks has always contradicted this, as now will the mag’har, and all the more egregiously for being a player race.


I didn’t say it affected the entire race. It merely affected most of it.

He didn’t really have control over any of the Orcs because Grom merked him, it did make them a lot more susceptible to him, though.

As I’ve demonstrated multiple times, the game contradicted this even as far back as TBC with Mag’har living in the fel-blasted hellscape of Hellfire Peninsula and not being mutated by the fel magic that scarred the land there.

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Something to keep in mind is that “ambient” fel wouldn’t necessarily just mean being in close proximity to it.

On MU Draenor, the fel had saturated much of the environment, meaning the orcs were regularly eating contaminated plant and animal matter and drinking contaminated water. So the unaffected Mag’har in Hellfire Peninsula may have been deliberately only eating supplies they brought with them from Nagrand (which, given HFP’s desolate condition, might make sense anyway.)

So even without drinking the blood, any clans and individuals who spent a lot of time living off the land outside certain parts of Nagrand (that part being the vicinity of Garadar’s quarantine) were ingesting foodstuff that bore increasing amounts of fel corruption.

AU Draenor never achieved that degree of long-term and persistent fel saturation, so the AU orcs wouldn’t have passively imbibed enough to start systemically altering their skin color. Only AU Gul’dan and his Shadow Council army were ingesting enough concentrated fel in a short enough time to start turning green, followed by AU Kilrogg and the rest of the new Fel Horde seemingly getting either an altered “recipe” (Gul’dan did seem to be tinkering with the stuff) or being provided a potent enough dose to skip straight to the “fel orc” stage of corruption.

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Why would a blood curse randomly affect most and not others, including those that never drank the blood? That doesn’t make sense, and it’s not the explanation we’re given. The explanation we’re given is that Garrosh and his pals aren’t green because they were unexposed to Fel magic being left behind in Nagrand, which does make sense.

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Which is why I mentioned the Throne of Kil’jaeden. The location where the drinking of mannoroths blood took place. Which is in Hellfire Peninsula. And even then, Hellfire wasn’t the zone on Outland that was the most fel corrupted. That would be Shadowmoon Valley. Also most of Outland was hanging in and out of the Twsiting Nether. Blizzard has been rather inconsistent about which zone is in and which zone is out. Netherstorm though has to be in it due to actual story reasons.

The Mag’har orcs in Hellfire were nowhere near the Throne of Kil’jaeden.