Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness

Except, well, if the Mag’har can churn out a modern Iron Horde navy in the short time they’ve been on Azeroth, it makes the whole expansion-driving plot about the Horde desperately needing the Zandalari fleet pretty redundant.


I think the answer to all the questions in this thread is “Because Blizzard said so.” They tend to put off trying to figure out why something is the way it is when they want to add something they think is cool.

Well I call that a stretch, particularly since the Draenei were the clear aggressors but even if that was the case, what justifies Y’rel’s treatment of everything else on Draenor and her plan to lead her armies out into the cosmos to conquer forcibly convert new worlds to the Light?


The AU has an AU Azeroth which is almost certainly Void corrupted and about to destroy the universe.


Well, Blizzard is probably setting it up that there’s schism and splitting between the races in each faction, maybe they want Mag’har and Goblins to be bigger partners with Forsaken and form a shady group. Mag’har can even fit being a darker race since they have the Shadowmoon clan and a lot of skeletons in their closet.


I also am happy about this loyalty. I think it’s very likely they’ll remain almost fiercely loyal, especially as the Alliance start lightforging undead (which is certain), and the Light and Void become a more prominent feature of the narrative.

As for the numbers, ships, etc. My assumption has always been in-game events are only representative of in-lore events.

Who knows? Blizzard made things messy when they brought in Alternate universes and then at the same time made the Twisting Nether a single thing and therefore the Legion a single thing. They tried in one of the chronicles to explain it by saying that most AUs are unstable timelines that will disappear after a while, while there is only one true MU. AUs can become stabilised and exist indefinitely though it is rare and the one twisting Nether is connected to them all.

What they haven’t explained is how exactly the titans work into all that.

I am still curious what Alliance race the Horde will get if they give the Alliance undead. If we have to trade I could kind of go for some proper eredar without all the Light stuff.

Edgier Worgen

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That could have potential if they fix the female models. Alliance can have the hippy worgen and the horde can get the more savage ones.

Blight Stars

Make the blight an enjoyable immune dinner for the goren, and of course they should be able to spew it on their enemies at will.

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Ah yes, Generic Orcs following the title of Warchief blindly and without question, even in the face of obvious and abrupt hypocrisy.

So in other words, Tuesday on Azeroth.

You know what’s interesting? The fact that the Zandalari are primed to be the only Horde race to not swear the sacrificial oath of loyalty to the Warchief.

Mag’har are unfortunately a bust for me. They’re to uninteresting.


Because the light is perfect fluffy goodness and having it forced on you whether you want it or not is what’s best for you and everyone else. The naaru said so, so it must be true.


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And then we’ll wonder why Blizzard didn’t give Alliance more aristocratic undead whereas the savage proper horror werewolves weren’t given to the Horde all along.

I mean, Undead Night Elves seem to make a lot of sense, considering the Forsaken just occupied their homeland for the last few months, and doubtlessly collected corpses. Remember, the reason Sylvanas says she wants to raze Stormwind to the ground is to supplement her people with new forsaken. It makes no sense she wouldn’t do that here.


Also much like how Void Elves and Nightborne are very different looking from their counterpart races, I imagine Horde Worgen probably won’t be werewolves but perhaps some other race. Maybe they’ll even be werelions for all I know since Blizzard likes to be subversive like that and the irony of having lion people on the faction with wolf symbolism whereas there’s wolfmen on the lion faction. Either that or maybe it’ll be related to Trolls and their worship of animal gods and they’ll create some kind of werecreature from that.

And Alliance Undead will be more intact and probably stand up a bit more, with less punk rock or metal hairstyles, more refined than that but still a creepy undead nonetheless.

But Geya’rah’s an idiot.

Sylvanas (and most of the Horde) betrayed Garrosh, so by Geya’rah’s own principles - Sylvanas has no more Honor than Baine.


We already got our version of Night Elves with the Nightborne. Giving us undead NEs would basically be like giving the Alliance the BE model again but with just another skin tone. Admittedly though if it was a High Elf skin tone it might be something people want.

Either way, undead NEs wouldn’t make much sense as a mirror to the Alliance getting Lightbound undead.

that’s an omegalul


When we’re doing all the WQ off of our MODERN BATTLE FLEET I keep asking myself, “Why do we need the Zandalari so badly, again?”

But then I remember the laser dinosaurs. Which are objectively awesome.

But we don’t need their stupid triremes.

Well, I disagree. I’d play an undead Night Elf in a heart beat. Plus, it makes lore sense with what we’ve got, and the fact that Sylvanas seems to need more allies.

But if you don’t like that, the only other options I see as feasible is Ashvane/Pirate humans or leper gnomes. But to me, that’s much less interesting than more Forsaken options.

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H… how can you say this seriously?