Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness


Honestly though, I don’t think this needs to be more complicated then “Overlord Geyh’ra places an extremely high value on loyalty in her own definition of honor.” Potentially because she went through a serious betrayal in her own timeline.


Can’t be any dumber than thinking that the Alliance is as evil as the Horde for killing less civilians or experimenting on less prisoners than the Forsaken.

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I think it is dumber when the people in question were just recently intended victims of the exact same kind of abuse they now support Sylvanas for.


There is a stark difference between soldiers disobeying orders and killing civilians, and the higher ups ordering you to burn cities and impale fleeing civilians.

Name me an Alliance instance of this.

Also this is whataboutism, just FYI


I feel like this generation of Mag’har hate betrayal or treason. They probably saw the Draenei as friends before they started conscripting the planet to the Light.


-What now?

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I’ve said this in jest before, but in the RTS, it takes like 5 minutes to build large structures in game. I’m starting to wonder if its less of a joke, and more of a “with many hands, work is made light” type thing.


I believe she’s referring to the Mag’har beastmasters in the Darkshore lead up quests tying down Ash’alah.


yes, she is the nazgrim of bfa


My old GM thought it had been 40 years since Arthas died, and justified it by saying they never would’ve repaired the Park in Stormwind that quickly.


I dont think Fem Thrall has all the details or realizes the only reason she exists is because of time travel blunders.


That certainly was a Human Alliance ability.

An Undead Acolyte would simply summon structures. Wisps and Peons had to work alone. But Humans could send all their workers to build a Town Hall in seconds.

In her timeline, we are the AU. Well, thats one of her sayings, if I recall correctly. More of a /silly probably.

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Sure but even then the only reason she literally exists is a mistake from a few years ago made by an angery orc who couldnt gracefully accept defeat and killed the bronze dragon who helped him do it. She needs to keep her sewer shut or get the full details. Or both

Those backwards uncivilized savages don’t understand the struggles of our forefathers. They never understood the how low us greenskins fell.
we made pacts with demons, committed genocide and paid for it with our homeland, with our dignity.
But something good came out of it. We learned, we “got civilized” we united and learned lessons.
The savage ones don’t have the knowledge we greenskins do.

knowledge like how to be slaves to demons?


I like that the Mag’har are backing the Forsaken too. It justifies Yrel’s actions against them.


She’s young and naive about the Forsaken yet. She’ll learn.

Also keep in mind she spent most of her time in Draenor watching the bulk over her people turned against her by having the Light forcibly injected into their bodies. Some of them might have even went willingly.

She probably has preconceived notions about loyalty and betrayal.


Google self-fulfilling prophecy.


No, they fuse into Goel’rah, a brown-skinned purified Thrall who, despite fusing with a woman, suddenly finds his balls, picks up the Doomhammer, and starts bashing in Human skulls, “FOR THE HORDE!”


Geya’rah (daughter of Durotan, most famously known for rebelling)

AU Dutotan didn’t rebel, he just never joined the Iron Horde.

Frankly I’m pretty sure after HFC Grommash just told the Orcs “See? If they didn’t betray me these guys would never have been corrupted. Don’t do it again.”

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