Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness

I’m really really really really pleased that the Mag’har chose Sylvanas over Baine, like you have no idea how ecstatic I am. The Mag’har have really been pulling their weight the most out of the allied races. They were part of the Darkshore wreaking crew and they’re slaughtering the Alliance all over KT all and all great job.

I’ve been wondering about their future endeavors, will we see Mag’har and Forsaken tech combine, if so how would that look? I’ve also noticed that both of these factions aren’t so fond of the light…what’s that you say? Future collabo plots inc you say? I’m dying to see cdev’s plot twist act, hurry up already!!


The Mag’har actually kick a lot of butt in World Quests. Iron Stars, WoD superheavy aircraft carrier ships, and cannon mounted Gronn, they brought em all!


Ikr, Yassssss


Geya’rah (daughter of Durotan, most famously known for rebelling) dropped “honor = loyalty” amongst a group of people who not three years prior had a mass rebellion against their Warchief - not to mention other rebellions against Kael’thas and Elisande from members like Lor’themar and Thalyssra for example.

That does not sound like someone who is informed about the whole Horde plot.


If LadyThrall shakes hands with Thrall, will they detonate?


Time Cop (1994) says yes, but common logic says no.


But does Rule of Cool say yes?


Well now you’ve got me in a box. I’d have to think like a Blizzard writer to answer this, and I’d rather eat live sea urchins.


I was kind of wondering how they got that through the portal. Or to the portal. Or from the portal to the water.

I basically have a LOT of questions about that aircraft carrier.


We blew it up so those questions would never get answered, clearly.


It’s still around for my quests. It’s the Horde counterpart to the Alliance airship in that zone (our quests finish with us killing the airship).


Maybe somebody still had 100 Garrison Resources on them so they were able to spawn one after a 30 minute wait.


Wasn’t the Mag’har slaughtering the nightsabers after WoT? If her forces are in Darkshore its hard for me to believe that she doesn’t know the main Horde plots. I mean Sylvanas isn’t hiding ish.

You’d think that a group of fanfic-universe refugees that were being oppressed and brainwashed against their will to do someone else’s bidding would have at least one objection to seeing that done by the person they just chose to follow. And you’d think they’d know better than to hold blind loyalty to a cause considering what their parents went through less than a lifetime ago.


The Alliance equivalent is a god awful submarine quest (I cannot stress how horrible doing this quest over and over to level your alts is), culminating in launching a missile and blowing up the aircraft carrier. I assume it’s destroyed, or rather it’s literally just a quest object that will never get touched on.

Don’t get me wrong, I wanna know why the hell it’s there too.

I mean the history behind how they all got here - the Horde is built on rebellion after rebellion, so clearly loyalty and honor don’t go hand in hand like her statement suggests.

If she DOES know about things like that, then she’s just dense.

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I assumed that some of the Mag’har Orcs were engineers and they’ve just been building new stuff ever since they arrived on Azeroth. Mag’har tech isn’t reliant on exotic materials and isn’t especially complicated.


I mean…in theory, sure. But it take years to build an aircraft carrier with modern factories and technology. They seemed to produce one in weeks.

Though…I guess a faction that canonically has town-in-a-box tech could pull it off.

The Mag’har were being brainwashed by the droves, Derek was one person resurrected to do one thing, in this one time special mission.

Their circumstances aren’t the same.

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Scale is not a factor here. How exactly are they - or any of the Forsaken for that matter - to know that this won’t become common practice for Sylvanas? Lilian certainly seems to lose heart over Sylvanas turning her back on what she used to stand for most.


It’s not okay to do something evil just because you’re not doing it to as many people, or because you have a special purpose in mind. That seems like an incredibly dumb justification for the Mag’har going along with it.