Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness

H…how can you not? Sylvanas stated purpose in “Before the Storm” - and a frequent concern since Wrath - has been to replenish the numbers of the Forsaken. It’s one of her chief motivations to destroy Stormwind. With her Forsaken occupying Darkshore, Ashenvale and potentially the Tree itself - all strewn with dead elves - why would she not order them to stockpile corpses to be raised for the Horde?

The idea to raise them makes sense, yes. Them joining the woman that killed them in mass? No.


agreed, kal’dorei dark rangers were a terrible idea.


I don’t see anything bad about what Geya’rah said about Baine.

One thing is for you to act in the shadows for your people. Another thing is to act for the enemy faction.


Medievil 2 says we get Super Orc.

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They’re kinda easy to build when you don’t triple their cost, weight, and size with ostentatious spikes.


“Okay, this time grab something building shaped. If it doesn’t feel like a building, leave it in there.”


Wow you really want a civil war. Daring to talk down to orcs about their spikes. That is like insulting their mother.


I’m not talking down I’m just point out a fact. I’m pro-spike.

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Yeah but to even suggest it. It would be like telling Rexxar that if you killed and butchered Mishka, her meat would feed a Horde outpost for days.

Plus if their stuff didn’t have spikes the orcs would probably just sit there looking miserable, too depressed and embarrassed to fight.

“If you add more, it costs more.” Thas all.


It’s a definite morale booster.

I mean, do you not get how the magic works? Souls that are wracked and twisted by despair, nihilism and vengeance make the best forsaken. You can say what you want about how irrational it is, but it seems pretty obvious to me that those states and vices are exacerbated in death and Sylvanas just exploits that. A vicious will is still “free” in the sense moderns use the term. Those souls that haven’t fallen to despair and don’t want to join her, don’t get raised. We saw that happen.

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From the perspective of someone who stopped playing a month or so after BfA release, I was kind annoyed at the complete lack of Mag’har representation. I saw plenty of Zandalari, Kul’tirans, and Dark Irons, but never a single Mag’har. I guess a lot has changed in game, but I’m still pissed it took Bliz so long to include them.

They’ve said that the Titans don’t exist across timelines like the Legion. Given Xe’ra also exists in the AU, it must be the whole universe, including Azeroth.

I think we can answer those questions by reminding ourselves it’s a video game about orcs, demons, and magic.

World of Logistics would be an incredibly boring game.

To some maybe, but I think I would like finite resources and things actually haven’t to be planned out instead of everything just appearing at a whim from thin air.

But in regard to the WoD naval craft, seems to be a trend that this expansion is reusing a lot of models and assets from previous installments. The WoD tech, all the dragons and MoP races just showing up during island expeditions and even troggs and quillboar appearing on Kul Tiras for some reason.


The Forsaken literally start out as Scourge - as in slaves to the Legion. Both Forsaken and Mag’har are far more than just ex-demon slaves, that’s like saying trolls have nothing to give except knowledge about how to get slain by elves.

Don’t get tunnel visioned now.

Honestly given how the story was laid out, there wasn’t really any other way.

The Kul Tirans and Zandalari obviously get a lot of exposure since we were going to their homeland.

However the unlock chains for Dark Irons and Mag’har were set at the tail end of the 8.0 story. That’s not a problem for the Dark Irons since they were already members of the Alliance and have been since Cataclysm, but the Mag’har weren’t even in the same universe until you finish their unlock chain.

So the story simply didn’t allow them to be included in the bulk of the 8.0 story. But 8.1 doesn’t have such issues and they can be included.

I personally am not a fan of this, since the Mag’har should be seeing what Baine is trying to do. With them being extremely pro-freedom for their people. (We will never be slaves!” and the whole Lightbound nonsense during their recruitment) you’d think twisty mind control would be a big no-no. I think Gey’arah has potential to be the good version of Garrosh, but already falling into his same plot holes.

I’m happy with Garona, Lor’themar, Voss, and Rexxar’s lines. Heck even Ji. JI FIREPAW gets good lines. Gallywix’s lines are good too cause of where he stands.

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They squeezed Ji into the family meeting?!?!