Magetowers extremely over tuned

If I recall from the original, having multiple leaps helped a ton. Not sure if that can be talented into these days.

I spent 5-6 hours on this yesterday. It’s a complete mess as far as I’m concerned.

The Havoc challenge, it’s like 40/60% I make it out of the ice shards due to the absurd timing requirement on getting a fel rush after a double jump timing (if you have ANY latency, you’re eating the ground affect because the game doesn’t think you’re airborne and then you’re eating a tick of the blizzard). Getting to the boss twice during the illusion intermission is basically impossible with the amount of random damage you take.

The Vengeance challenge is scaled so badly, I don’t know how to get an extra 50% dps to beat the 4th cast of the tank breaker (I’m getting him to 12.5% before I’m just out of everything). My buddy did the Bear one in like 3 attempts because of how broken HotW is and he was averaging like 5k dps. P2 guy never got to cast more than 1 tank breaker. P1 he only ever saw 1, maybe 2 infernals. I’m constantly kiting 4-5 by the time I can get Variss dead after all of the debuff management.

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There’s a separate thread about “Mage Tower is really undertuned after the patch, get in there!”, so which is it? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I agree with this… I tried many many times on my guardian druid in 9.2.5… farmed all my gear that scales better in mage tower and got as close 4% on kruul before blizz took mage tower down. Then in 10.0.5 I killed kruul on my second try… For Gaurdian druid it’s literally knowing the mechanics and then spamming moonfire (nearly 70% of my overall DMG was moonfire)…

So i just got the guardian kill, there is so much BS going on in this thread its unreal, the guy chatting about 1 stack? you need to take atleast 3 and then stop the next 3 annihilation coming through with velen balls

ive heard mage and guardian druid are, i know on fury warrior agatha is 10x easier than on outlaw rogue

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The guardian is much easier now then SL! The toolkit is amazing atm! I did fail massively like 100 times in SL and could not do it. Today did i wipe 10 times until i joined the discord Timewalking and found good addons and build. I drank 2 redbull and gave it all i had and completed it directly (11 try)!

Im at lvl 60 with ilvl 290 from SL but everything scaled down to 120 ilvl now!

Talents for whom may need it! Good luck and have fun!

the fury warr tower. they need to tweak the health a little I feel like it doesnt need to be that long of a fight otherwise its fine

I have no idea why you’ve so thoroughly convinced yourself that I’m lying to you. Why would I do that? What reason would I have to lie about that?

Anyway congrats on the kill! 6 Annihilates sounds excessive and to be honest I have no idea how you’d have P2 last that long if you popped every CD you had, but hey, if it works it works.

I was actually even thinking today if Convoke would have been a better talent choice than Incarn. I originally took Incarn since I wanted it to last close to the whole phase, but now I think that may have been overkill and getting a good HotW Boomy Convoke may have been better. Ah well. What I did was good enough.

They have never been easier to do. I just did the Shadow Priest one after like 9 tries today and I’m not even good.

If you really want to shut them up. If you have dbm legion/magetower it should record attempts.
Just queue into it and fail. It’ll say how many times.

Regardless, you clearly have the knowledge. Idk. Some people just want to argue.

I’d actually laugh my butt off if DBM counts my attempts from Legion/SL as well. If it did then I would estimate a number in the 50s or 60s. I’ll look to see if they have a specific log of attempts though as I should only have a single attempt last night.

But that’s why I tried to tell them that even though I only put in one attempt, I wasn’t winging it. I know Kruul very well. I know Guardian very well. I had a specific game plan when I queued into it. I wasn’t expecting it to work on the first try but hey, I’m not complaining. But given my level of experience with both the fight and the character I wouldn’t have thought that a one-shot was that surprising. :dracthyr_shrug:

If you have the xpac/feature plugins, it should. Mine still records ICC clears, ToS/NH… basically any raid and dungeon clear.

Which is also how I know I did around 56 attempts for BM xD

It is purely because of how hard it was in SL. If it actually got nerfed, then I wouldn’t be shocked, but it’s still impressive.

you didn’t do then when they came out and you think they were easy?

No, when the tower was released on Nighthold gear, it was very hard. Much harder than it is now. In fact, some very high skill players (ex: Xaryu is a multi-glad mage) couldn’t complete theirs after 100+ attempts and perfect gear.

Some were easier than others; Agatha was relatively easy in comparison, especially in feral. The best part is that since Agatha was technically in the Broken Isles, a lot of the buffs and consumables worked. And her only summoning demons meant we could use the Elixir of Demonslaying.

But other fights, like the healer or tank challenges, were extremely difficult. I think the tank challenge feels a little easier now, but only because we have more control over what talents to pick, instead of relying on RNG Legendaries to be able to get it (ex: bear needed Luffa’s, but now that’s just a talent you can pick).

Judging the Legion mage towers by the end-of-expansion difficulty is disingenuous, as by then, they had been out for a year and most people had the ones they wanted. If later on this expansion we randomly get 10 extra talent points… they will be considerably easier too.

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I was able to find where DBM records the number of attempts for the MT challenges. It doesn’t record victories for Kruul though (I suspect because he doesn’t actually die).

Anyway it actually does distinguish between “Normal” and “Timewalking.” I have 85 wipes from Legion and 37 from Timewalking, though they’ll just have to trust me that all 37 were from Shadowlands and not DF. I was hoping for an actual date and time for each attempt but that doesn’t seem to be recorded anywhere.

I also apparently only took 17 attempts for Agatha back in Legion… which I do not believe. Felt like more than that. Only 7 attempts in Timewalking for her though. I’m a much better player now than I was in Legion. Believe it or not I actually saved a video of the first time I beat her back in Legion and it’s the single video I ever uploaded to YouTube.

EDIT: I’m actually cringing a bit rewatching this and seeing what I played like five years ago.

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nice save! But yeah, 905 ilvl was like, end of legion.

When they came out:

Raid Finder 845-850+ ilvl
Normal 860-865+ ilvl
Heroic 875-880+ ilvl
Mythic 890-895+ ilvl

It was significantly harder. Anyone that says they were easy in Legion clearly didn’t do them on release. I personally couldn’t do many of them until ToS, and some I did at the very end with Antorus gear.

End of Legion we were nearing 1000 ilvl, with legendaries being there.

yes, with 150 ilvl over the original release, maxed out artifacts, and a million guides, they were much easier by the end.

However, I don’t think I ever got a Legion character above 925 ilvl. I think only the Trinket legendary was ilvl 1000 and I never got it. Antorus Mythic gear was 970, but most people raiding mythic should have gotten them much earlier.

Most my characters were around 900 by the end. When I did fire mage and feral druid (Agatha), they were 850. When I did frost and guardian, they were 915.

It was actually at the end of Nighthold. I was wearing Nighthold trinkets. Check the date of the video, June 21 2017. ToS opened June 20 2017 (according to my Google-fu).

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agreed i just spent an hour on my fury war, with several talent changes throughout, getting virtually no progress on the fight. the hell is up with this blizz

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