Magetowers extremely over tuned

my mistake… I may be misremembering the details, but more or less.

Probs misremembering.
It has been like 6ish years at this point and…what? Two stat squishes later?

There was a squish somewhere and now numbers are the enemy.

While I did get all 36 specs in the Mage Tower, I’m not afraid to admit that a lot of them were during Antorus, when it was much easier. Feral was my main spec and even that I could only finish a full raid season after it came out.

For specs that I didn’t have a decent alt for (Druid, Rogue, DH) I had a whole process where I assembly-lined them from level 1 to level 120 with Antorus LFR 4 pc and the legendary ring you got from the Antorus storyline + whatever second leggo I happened to pick up. Then when the tower actually came up I would crank out 2 or 3 characters at a time for a total of 6 or so challenges complete each cycle.

Like I said, I’m a significantly better player today than I was five years ago. Rewatching that video brings me physical pain.

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don’t worry, the only reason I remember Legion vividly is because I was unemployed at the time, and spent a whole year just collecting all artifact skins I could (from all sources, including WQ, PvP, Balance of Power, MT, hidden, archeology, M+, etc…) but towards the end I had already found a job so I more or less stopped.

Being unemployed for so long is not that great of an achievement…

I thought you remembered it because it was a half-decent time.

Legion had its issues but boy howdy
send me back.


pray for nerf on this bs. rage quitting for the night. before i get the urge to throw my pc out a window


Get good or get out.

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seething glare i take it back ill throw a drae shaman out the window.

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Oh god, but I hated the start of Legion so much. Getting the wrong legendary felt like physical torture.

They really fixed it, though. Antorus was great, I just didn’t have much time for it.

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Ok yeah I feel that.
I got lucky with my legendary early on but then I swapped mains mid NH and it was like
oh ok screw me I guess. I’ll manage somehow but GUH.

I was pretty hype for artifact weapons though. Gawking around at the Dreamgrove… becoming the avatar of Ashamane herself… it got me pretty stoked. I enjoyed a lot of the Druid lore stuff.

As far as my head cannon is concerned, I still say that my male Night Elf assumes Ashamane’s form in it’s entirety while in cat form so I say my character is female when transformed.

The only legendary I REALLY wanted ALL of Legion was the Fire diadem that increased the range of Dragon’s Breath by like 200%. It would have felt great for PvP and world content, and it just looked cool, even if it clearly wasn’t the best for other content, however, I got it in the second to last week of Legion so I never got a chance to enjoy it.

And for druid I really wanted Luffa’s for the bear challenge, but didn’t get it till late ToS. It literally took me 3 tries after getting Luffa’s to get the thing done… but I wasted a million attempts before I had it.

So, yeah… legendary RNG was the worst part of Legion. It haunts me.

I just wanted the little pond in the Grove to have all 6 cats / bears.


They look great.

It haunts all of us.

I saw someone get sephuz like a few weeks ago during a legion dungeon. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I wanted Luffa for the Feral challenge given how much AoE is in it. That was one of the last leggos I got though. You can see in the video I’m using the one that gives you 3 charges of PS. I think I ended up using Eikowraith on the Guardian challenge… it was a while ago and I didn’t record that one.

This conversation is reminding me though. I need to go back and get the Legion dungeon achieves for my purple sparkle cat.

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damage output and health pools seem seem over overtuned for certain classes. i did it coutless times in legion and this version is just overtuned trash.

Put an hour into the sub rogue, got the phase two a couple times.

It didn’t seem overtuned. I continually made progress.

The adds in phase two do seem like high hp, I’m gonna need to def save burst windows for them, haven’t got that far though. Their health does seem a bit high.

Beaten Agatha and probably not go for the mount. The challenges are alright but pretty unforgiving outright. Doubt blizzard will ever touch it again. After all back when legion was current, affliction lock challenge was bugged because doomguard’s slow was not giving the correct slow duration. And the only reasonable way to beat the boss was to use ANOTHER bug to break the add AI. They NEVER fixed it during legion and wouldn’t surprise me if it still is broken.

You clearly didnt read what i said.
As i was comparing my experience to when it first came out in legion. Like day 1 just out.
And i never said it was easy when it came out either.

What is disingenuous is pretending i ever made that claim.
Im more than aware that there is a huge difference between when it came out, and 7.3 when it was a walk in the park.

If you disagree about the difficulty being harder than the original thats fine.
But please dont put words in my mouth. As i never said any of that.

Just did on sub and assa this morning
sub feel smoothly to try
frostbolt damage taken not that high
but idk why they put the hard enrage before 4th add when if 4th add spawn = wipe anyway

but when doing on DH
Frostbolt hit for 20% hp
how am I survive that

I’ve only tried Agatha so far, but am I crazy in thinking that the imps are spawning way more frequently? Completed it both times in Legion and again in SL.