Magetowers extremely over tuned

I’d need to re-research the encounter. Tugar isn’t a challenge for Druid so the last time I did that one was back in Legion. I can only give you 6 year old knowledge. I only remember the Sonic Scream because that was the major sticking point when I did it on Disc. For the rest of the fight I just remember to dodge the worms charges and kill a totem or something before it explodes.

My advice though would be to look at your death recap and take note of the ability name that’s killing you so that you can research that specifically.

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I honestly think for priest you can’t really let it go to the worm phase. You have to try and down the worm as much as you can before killing Tugar. My friend was being one shot by the sonic scream.

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Yeah that’s the problem I remembered having in Legion. I solved it by remembering that I’m a shield healer and stacking stuff like PWS and Pain Supression.

Yeah, you really need to be killing the worm as a focus. Tugar is annoying but doesn’t kill you unless you make mistakes. Worm kills you. If worm isn’t like 30% or lower, and you burn cooldowns unnecessarily to kill Tugar, it’ll be a wipe every time, because nobody has enough CC to stop more than 2-3 of the screams.

I actually spec’d barrage to get the worms down as bm. It wasn’t recommended, but it did really good damage in the MT.

If classes have something similar, it would be worth messing around with. Things that suck in DF as talents, are pretty decent in the MT due to scaling.

Back in Legion, the way I handled the servants was by bleeding them up, then using Mass Entangle to stop them in the hallway and then I just forget about them while they stood there bleeding to death. That’s less viable now because one of the main puzzle pieces that made that work was the Artifact ability, Hardened Roots.

Now what I would do is something similar but replace the Roots with a combination of PS Root, Typhoon, and Vortex. With Tear Open Wounds and the low health pool of the imps, the low Haste might not even matter that much. Worst case scenario you pop Convoke if they need to die right now.

See in legion, I deleted the imps before they were ever a problem.
I think feral agatha in legion was one of the easier ones for me, which was a HUGE surprise trying it again in SL lol.

I wish I could remember my build, but yea the artifact helped A LOT. Shame we can’t use it.

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Post screenshots when you 1 shot it again… get out of the past

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Best I can offer you is a screenshot of the message I sent to my guild Discord when I beat it last night. Will that do? I don’t know how I post a screenshot of the number of attempts I made.

Here you go. Note the time stamp of the message and yes, that’s my handle in my guild Discord with the Midna pfp.

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and you killed him within the time it takes for him to cast annihilate once how?

I specifically saved all my cooldowns for that section. Drums + Incarnation + Rage of the Sleeper + potion + HotW hits pretty hard. Plus in phase 1 I used basically no orbs since all my DPS came from standing outside the void zone doing a faux-Boomy rotation. (The build was heavy on Moonfire damage anyway.) So I had lots of leftover orbs to keep Kruul stunned for the bulk of the phase.

To be clear, while it’s true that I beat it in one attempt last night, I wasn’t “winging it.” Like I said, I’ve beaten all 36 Mage Towers back when they were current in Legion. Kruul was my favorite fight to the point where I made new characters for the express purpose of fighting him again. I know the Kruul fight very, very well. It was only one attempt but I went in with a fairly specific plan.


Other than if you want the guardian druid form or the mount for doing all of them, i dont see any reason to stress over the tower.

It only gives a recolour of a readily available set.
And an unremarkable one at that.
Not having it isnt an issue at all.

That being said, i agree its harder than when it came out in legion. At least what ive seen of it. Ive not checked out every spec of course.

Yes that is a bug. Happens in arenas as well.

Are you unsure what they are dying to?

Whats even the point of uniquely hard content if you make it easy?

Can she not zone in and attempt? Whats preventing access?

I actually wouldn’t agree with that. You’d need to be more specific. It was out in Legion for a very long time, over 3 raid seasons. Unlike now, your gear didn’t scale back then. So going into the Mage Tower with Antorus 4 piece and two legendaries was VERY different from going in day 1. So no, I do not think that today’s Mage Tower is harder than when it first launched, but it’s definitely harder than it was the last week of Legion.

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Which are undertuned atm? Asking for a friend

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When it first came out in legion, i was able to get the disc priest one down to like 50%.
I never actually finished it until argus though as the entry fee annoyed me.

This time around, the unavoidable attacks take between 40 and 60 percent of my health. I dont remember having to be spam healing as much.

Im sure i could do it if i cared enough. So im not saying its impossible or anything.
Just harder than before.

Haven’t seen anyone beat the Balance druid one yet. 10.0.5 mage tower seems pretty overtuned for them.


I’d concur I think Boomy is the most difficult Druid challenge at the moment. After I beat Guardian I gave both Boomy and Resto a shot. I did decently well with Resto and could probably beat it after a dedicated weekend of attempts. Boomy I’m so far completely lost on. I’m not sure how I’ll beat it without Stellar Drift, which was a major part of my strategy in Legion.


lol it won’t matter. You’re still scaled down to level 45.

1st, last, middle tier and it wont matter.

That doesn’t work anymore. Sets and legendarie are disabled. It also functioned on your ilvl back then - new scaling is completely whack.