Magetowers extremely over tuned

Exactly. Well said again.

I know I modified my talents and rotations JUST for mage tower. Made targeting macros to help.
Read over meters to see what worked, what didn’t.

Trial and error "only works if you examine your failures appropriately and are able to make the determination about what needs to change. "

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By removing any kind of challenge, I can promise you, you don’t.

And if you don’t know what I am talking about, give the mage tower a go. Feel the frustration.

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I’ve been seeing posts that guardian is very easy right now, especially compared to where it was in SL.

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Okay, so if you disable determination and grandma doesn’t, you didn’t work hard to get it and feel accomplished? Because grandma has it too? You just want to flaunt and be elitist, I get it.

Or… grandma practices, talent swaps, mixes up the rotation, doesn’t stand in bad and keeps going until she accomplishes a nice challenge.


So if she can’t “git gud” like you did and enjoy the game that way YOU do, then she shouldn’t be able to do certain things? Why does it matter what grandma is doing if you are doing something different or even similar but are feeling a sense of accomplishment for it? Other than you want something no one else has so you can show off to others for some weird online validation.

Has anyone tried disc yet? I’m being killed with just 2 hits every time I start the encounter. :confused:

Allow me, yet again, quote someone who can say it better.


And again, just because thats the way you play this game or many other games, doesn’t mean thats how everyone plays this game. I did the MT on my GDruid its fine, took me a dozen or so tries, but there are people like my mom or wife who don’t play as hard as I do or aren’t interested in trying to be the very best, they just wanna collect appearances and pets and just chill, they should be able to play the game too, and even if they did get the appearances from the tower they don’t undermine or get rid of mine or how i accomplished them.

It’s not that. It’s just that I don’t think that Determination is a good solution to the problem. If the mog is meant to be a reward for overcoming the challenge, then why offer a way around the challenge. I truly don’t care how many people have the mog to play with… but I do think that’s what’s offered as a reward for challenge should stay offered as a reward for challenge.

That’s actually why when they first made the MT time-limiting during Timewalking only, I was one of the voices fighting to make it permanent. The way you beat challenges in WoW is attempt, analyze, adjust, repeat. Making the MT only available for 2 weeks a year isn’t conducive to that.

I’ve seen and mentored many people in WoW who never thought that they could raid up to the point where they could stand side by side with the rest of the guild getting AOTC for the first time. Beating the Mage Tower is something that can be taught and practiced and yes, I think that includes your hypothetical grandma.


I’ll leave the replying to you. I am far from coherent right now and my patience is just gone haha.

Worm on the tauren scenario hits for 120% of your hp after he dies. Still managed to do it as destro no problem, but had to cheese spamming fear. Did the 3 lost vrykul as demo in a few tries too.

I found that Agatha was a bit overtuned for fury, not because the mechanics are hard, but because there were a lot of globals missing. Maybe haste stacking will solve the problem. Arms at the eye of eternity felt smooth P1, but P2 seems broken, somewhat? Very tight DPS race. Whole room goes purple in ~1 min.

I haven’t tried it in the new Tower but I did beat all 36 specs in Legion. What I remember for Disc is that there was a lot of movement during the encounter but the real tricky part was when the worm did his Sonic Scream or whatever it’s called. Disc couldn’t interrupt it so instead I had to go in with a mitigation rotation planned for how I would face tank each successive scream.

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This is the issue I saw. Lack of haste is hurting specs pretty bad in those.
Feral and unholy both felt pretty undoable without gearing more haste.

Oh maybe. I couldn’t say since I never did it during SL.

I did Feral back when they first rereleased it in SL. (It’s my main after all) I haven’t tried it with the new talent set but I would have figured that our new talents were amazing for Agatha. PS Entangling Roots, Typhoon and Vortex are great at imp control, you have Skull Bash and Incap Roar for interrupting everything, Primal Wrath for imp clean up, and lots of mobility and self-healing to cover for mistakes. All in all, I would have called it an exceptionally well-matched kit to the encounter.

The biggest weakness I could see low haste bringing is perhaps poor imp servant management making Agatha heal more than you deal but you have so many other ways of dealing with them beyond just damage.

It was pretty rough. Without the range on thrash (from legion lego), your dot would fall off the inquisitor, losing a nice chunk of damage.
I gave it maybe 10-15 tries in SL, it just wasn’t worth it haha

I haven’t tried it again, but now seems like the time to get’r done.

Would those of you interested in a reward for completing it in “git gud” mode be satisfied with a title as a reward, why or why not?

Am I supposed to be standing somewhere or kiting the boss when I start the encounter?

I’m dying in the first 5 seconds because Tugar is hitting like a truck and killing me with just 2 hits.

This was my issue in SL. By the time I killed them all, I’d have 5 seconds to dps agatha then back to imp duty.
I think I was full mastery/crit build then though, so very little haste.

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