Magetowers extremely over tuned

If you die 50 times to get 50% you just wasted like an hour, i think its safe to give them that many stats after so much wasted time and gold.

Waaaaay more than an hour.
The bm hunter one took me about 56 tries, average attempt was 8 minutes.

But I mean, it’s like doing heroic/mythic raid, high end keys. It’s SUPPOSED to be a challenge, not a give me mog thing.

Again I agree it needs a nerf, since then we had artifacts/legos/WAY more secondary stats, but you can’t go overboard.

And this is from someone with over half of the weapon mogs from legion.

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Yea but Heroic / Mythic raids and M+ are all done with a group, and other players, this is more than just an hour SOLO by yourself slamming your head against a wall and with no other opportunity in sight, not doing good in a M+ go get more gear, need to do more damage in your Heroic or Mythic, go farm out some enchants and gear, wanna do better in the MT? Die more until you get better if you do.

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How else do you get better?
Trial and error.

There are ways to boost yourself.
I got a few random pieces from legion raids. 2 extra gem slots actually helped me a lot.
Some people go crazy and get full sets, others change nothing and keep practicing.

It’s one of the few actual solo challenge things, why would we want that to be trivialized?
It should be a challenge, but it shouldn’t feel so daunting or broken.

Thats what determination is for, you don’t want it to be trivialized? Don’t use the stacks its as simple as that, grandma who thinks the bear is cool and can’t play at that level? Well she can practice and get a helping hand. She pays her sub too why can’t she get the weapons or bear? Just cause she’s not as good as some players? If she was interested in the raids she could do LFR, extremely trivialized. Does that mean RWF isn’t fun or challenging? No. She wants to see the dungeons? Well she can play normal dungeons but does that mean M+22 is easy? No. But say she wants the Guardian Bear, tough luck grandma you’ll die before you see it.

I really hate this argument.

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Why? She pays her money same as you, why shouldn’t she get access to the same things you get?

She DOES have access to all the same things. That’s the thing people who use that argument don’t understand.

You have literally the same opportunities as everyone else. There is nothing different…


No she doesn’t. If she wanted to do Mythic Raids and was unable to, she could be carried could she not? She has the opportunity to finish it if she REALLY wanted to or she could wait until next expansion and steam roll it by outgearing it, but without being skill gapped. But can she have someone carry her through Mage Tower? No. Can she wait till next expac and do it when gear trivializes it? No. But she could maybe get it done with Determination.

To that I say… Get gud.

Like what do you want? A ‘get into mythic raid free!’ card?
That’s not how this game works, that’s not how life works. Effort/skill and some luck = reward

You can’t carry everyone through everything. And after the stuff you’ve been saying, I change my mind xD
Leave the mage tower alone. The entitlement is real.


It’s definitely bugged for some reason right now, but it’s easily fixed by just leaving and re-entering bear form

Getting a druid bear form or some weapons doesn’t slot you into a Mythic Raid. You gain nothing but epeen by gate keeping it by “git gud”. Some people have actual medical problems and their git gud will always be limited. You can put something in that doesn’t take away from other but allows these people to also participate and your answer is “No” because you want to flaunt?

Why is it a bad thing if there is some content in the game that is simply beyond your skill level to complete? Or alternative question, why is working to improve your ability not a viable solution?

Skill is not static. Encounter knowledge is not static. If the only thing that mattered for the Mage Tower was some ingrained part of your being, then people would either pass it on the first attempt or not at all.

That’s how the Mage Tower (or any difficult content) is beaten. You attempt once, fail, ask “okay why did that fail?” Then you adjust based on your findings. You keep doing this over and over and over again until eventually, the encounter has no more questions for which you do not have an answer and you win.


I’m sorry, it’s unfortunate, but it’s not my problem or the games problem.
It can’t cater to every demographic.

Your whining and just flat entitlement is just turning me off to any kind of pro nerf argument you have/had.

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Well said. I lost my patience and can no longer form a nice reply like this.

Elitism is here to stay in WoW it seems, you guys are gate keeping a transmog form and weapons behind “git gud” and offer no middle ground between it and accessibility just so you can say “i am gud” and can flaunt those in front of others.


It’s actually a variation of a speech I’ve given a number of times to my raid team. My guild has a motto that we teach to any new recruits. That motto is, “failure is a currency.” The gist of it is that failing an encounter offers you insight into what you need to change in order to do better. It’s a “currency” which you can accumulate and eventually purchase a win. However, that only works if you examine your failures appropriately and are able to make the determination about what needs to change. If you just do the same thing over and over while leaving your wipes unexamined, why that’s the same as leaving currency on the floor. And what self-respecting gamer do you know who would leave currency on the floor?

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It’s not gate keeping. I literally agreed it should be nerfed.

It’s just not acceptable to nerf it to the point you want.
And because they said it so well above, I shall quote it.

It’s not “elitism” to not want everything babyfied. Its very obvious you have no idea what it feels like to accomplish something like this.
The feeling you get when you beat the boss after 56 attempts and 7+ hours of trying.

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YOU can still get that feeling though? I’m confused what you mean.

I just did guardian Druid. Took about an hour of tries. It wasn’t that hard, just noobed it on mechanics. It’s def not that hard tho.