Magetowers extremely over tuned

Anyone know if they have it rejigged for Evokers?

most legion gear scales to 50 ilvl. and the tower now scales to 120 ilvl. So, Legion gear is bad for it. the trinkets I had kept in my bank were useless.

I still got it anyway… just woth normal DF trinkets

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Hi. I tried the Guardian Mage Tower literally last night and one-shot it.

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i did the bear one last night. you can do phase 1 without ever using an Orb (because bear got more range dmg), so you can get back to back orbs come phase 2 (which now feels a lot harder because bear lost burst potential).

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Really? Yesterday guardians were discussing how both thrash and swipe were disabled in the mage tower. It’s amazing you were able to complete it with neither of those.

my thrash and swipe worked just fine in the tower… what?


Sure you did

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I did. I can offer you a picture of my Fel Bear if you want but I can’t really offer any proof beyond that.

This is basically what I did. My build went in hard on Moonfire damage so I basically did damage from outside the void zone in Moonkin form. I only entered it when I needed to Skull Bash the Drain Life. Then in phase 2 I popped potion, Incarnation, Rage of the Sleeper, and Drums and just went ham with orbs until ded. (Now that I think of it, with so much Moonfire damage I should have popped HotW as well.) I only ended up taking 1 Annihilate which I mitigated with Ironfur + Barkskin. Since Kruul spent most of the phase stunned I actually spent most of my Rage on Maul.

Mage tower is overtuned for some class/specs and undertuned for others. Who ever is defending it being overtuned obv probably had one of the easier ones and is priding themselves over it.


This comment made me want to log in to do the tank challenge again because its fun

Just tried it, died almost instantly and will never be doing that dumb stuff again. Needs a nerf.

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The DK (besides Frost) are both mindlessly easy.

Is that Legion PTSD speaking or is it botched? That encounter was probably the worst one tbh imo

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BOS still required for it I believe, but it’s still lightyears ahead difficulty wise of Agatha. If I have to hear " You are too late! With the Focusing Iris under my control, I can siphon the arcane energy from Azeroth’s ley lines directly into my magnificent self!" I’ll shove a spoon in my ears.

The RP makes mage tower really unbearable.


They need to just add Determination stacks to the mage tower, so the elitist can do it and so can the casuals just with a few more tries behind them.


As a fellow dk/feral player…

All I can say is…

Ooof. Please nerf rp xD

What % would be fair though? Avg attempt to clear is around 50.

Just give it something small like 1% if you die 50 times you get 50% more and upwards until they manage to finish it.

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That’s a bit excessive. I do agree, it needs a nerf or we need a stat buff, but going that high removes any of the challenge from it.

See this is probably where my bias comes in because I never struggled on Agatha compared to the tank one after it released.

“Variss, dipose of this rabble”

Probably why im sure biased against the appearances returning since I got the blood appearance first release. After some emotional trauma I succeded.