Magetowers extremely over tuned

I think it’s much harder for frost mage now than it was in shadowlands. Can’t say about Legion, was playing DH there

In SL mage had exploding ice lances which did tons of aoe, now there’s no aoe in frost, just 2-target cleave and those void mobs are just swarming you

That was a SL Legendary, which was disabled in the MT IIRC.

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You don’t want AoE damage on Raest.

You want to keep the small adds alive as long as possible, in Blizzard, to reset Frozen Orb. At least that’s how you did it in Shadowlands, didn’t check out the Frost Mage changes with the talents.

well, then it’s as hard as in SL i guess.

I always die to casting hand. But when i switch to casting hand - i fail to slow down adds or knight. I’m just bad at multitasking

You need to hard swap and counterspell at the last second. Counterspell will be up every hand, giving you a double cast window to kill it. Towards the end of the encounter, you can double Ice Block the casts with Cold Snap if you want to just tunnel the boss.

counterspell is off the GCD to give you more time to kill the hand.

Then you should know that it is tuned to the current level of content. If you could kill it in Legion and SL, then its not overtuned, just do what you did for it then

In SL perhaps.

If you killed it in Legion, it will depend when. They were all massively faceroll by the tail end of 7.3.5.

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It’s SUPPOSED to be very very hard. If it’s very very hard, it’s tuned correctly.

Hundreds of pulls? Still tuned correctly. This isn’t a free xmog. This is supposed to be a satisfying challenge that takes some real skill and/or work.

I would be bummed if they made it easy.

It was intended to replicate the difficulty of very hard content, such as mythic raiding, but done solo. This is something solo players have been begging for (and still are, check the recent forums) for a long time. I hope bliz doesn’t take that away.

Some of the mt challenges are way easier than others (hello disc cheese strat), but it should be harder than heroic razageth bare minimum.

which defensives?

this is way overtuned for outlaw rogue, its weird how i can very rarely get to 2nd phase on outlaw after grinding it all day with bis TW gear but on my alt class (fury warrior) ive made it to 20% with DF pvp gear (both are agatha) i feel that fury is perfectly tuned, i havent beat it yet on fury but it feels doable if i just do it really well, outlaw feels like no chance

Exactly. Can we please just leave one of the only hard solo things in the game hard?

So much of this game is literally just go right click 12 items.

People asked for challenging content for solo players (still do). Bliz delivered big-time with Mage Tower and it is so satisfying. But, now players complain it’s “overtuned” when it’s tuned correctly—extremely difficult. The devs can’t win.

It’s not being elitist to enjoy one single thing that is challenging in this game for solo players. Bliz should leave it challenging.

I’ve only completed three dps ones: Affliction, Retribution, Subtlety.

Both Ret and Sub took me over a week of attempts every night. Would bang out a half hour or so at the end of the night and chip away at it. It was really fun and I feel like I got better as a player doing it.

Both took well over 100 attempts (Affliction was way easier, probably took me 30-50 tries and it’s an alt so I’m no Affliction master).

Mage tower is functioning as it was intended. Very very challenging, and it’s great. Don’t nerf it bliz!

I agree, it’s supposed to be very hard.

If it’s taking you a long time then that’s not overtuned.

Some tips:

  • Watch a video guide
  • Buy old consumables like Defiled Augment Rune, Battle-Scrolls, and such
  • Buy crafted pvp gear (there are better options, as the guides say, but I found this to be the quickest, cheapest way to get good gear for it) and fill out the sockets with the best gems you can afford (lots of primary-stat gems from old expacs). NOTE: Mage Tower scales all of your items down to ilvl 50. It does not scale up items below ilvl 50 to 50. The goal is to have as many sockets as possible on your gear that can fit primary stat gems, so that when it all scales down to ilvl 50, you are in effect a few ilvls higher because of the extra primary stats.
  • Enchant all the gear
  • Make sure you know your spec inside and out—not just the rotation, but all of your defensives and utility. Warlock, for example, should be competent at commanding their demon to move to a particular spot (for affliction, a macro can help with this).
  • Try it. Try it. Try it over and over and over. Eventually, you will have the mechanics essentially memorized and can anticipate what spells you need available when.

For me, it was still very very difficult. The gear, enchants, and consumables definitely gave a slight edge, but I’ve seen people saying it essentially made the fight easy. That was not my experience at all. It just went from very very very hard (3x) to very very hard (2x).

Keep at it and get that sweet, sweet appearance!


Whenever I feel confident, I pop in and attempt the DK only to be annihilated by shards

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I thought we couldn’t have nice things because Goblins steal.

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The DPS one is a tight check, but pretty on par from what I have seen in previous iterations of the mage tower. I got to P3 unbuffed after watching 0 videos on my DH last night… took me about 20-30 attempts, but that seems VERY reasonable for mage tower IMO.

Yes, I know P3 is the toughest DPS check. I went in unbuffed and running random talents, I think with more attempts, buffs, and watching a few videos this is easily achievable.

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This makes me feel much better. I was there last night. Didn’t do all that well. I was thinking maybe I am under tuned. Gladly this thread has shown me it’s the content, not me. I knew I was as awesome as I thought I was.

anyone tried prot war one yet? I don’t know how it was before, so don’t have a comparison but I don’t know how you’re supposed to do it atm.

People who say this stuff has been “tested and tuned” are so full of themselves and think blizzard even test anything before releasing it into the wild when it comes to bugs in mythic+ dungeons they just throw into rotations now mage tower.
As guardian i thought it was a feature that i couldnt use my abilities in bear for maybe becuase they didnt exsist back in legion i dunno? but you have to come out of bear form back into bear form in order for your abilities to work, and now the NPC wont stop dying in phase 2 to AoE
There are no videos guides for dragonflight, only the ones from legion and they show completely different timings and mechanics and rely on gear specific to that content.
Alot of people replying here obviously havn’t even tried the dragonflight versions of these.


The duality of this forum is great. I just saw a post yesterday suggesting MT was nerfed and to do it before they hotfix to make it harder.

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