Magetowers extremely over tuned

The Golden rule. No exceptions

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Got Arms done on Sunday. With some talent adjusting and Crusader enchant, I never dropped below 90% health during P1 unless I made a mistake. P2 took a few attempts, re-doing talents and trying different old trinkets to squeeze out a bit more execute dps. But basically the fights are giga-scripted and you still need to do your prepwork (at least, with Xylem because it allows you to respec and change gear sets for P2) The talents and other bonuses we’re able to take into the scenarios are making them less gear checks and more “do you know the script?” type situations, which means yeah man, they’re still hard but this is easier than it was in Shadowlands. I dunno if I’d say they’re the easiest they’ve ever been, I think late Legion with the mega concordance ranks it was easier.

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this isn’t meant to be a free win, even if you spend an hour on it. This is one of those things where if you’re not good enough to win, you don’t win. Simple as that

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it was their attempt to placate the dark souls crowd…
those who enjoy dying 20-30 times to get through
i log off when content gets too tedious…
i’m here to play…NOT…work.

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That’s fine. Just don’t do the Mage Tower then. No one is forcing you to participate in it. There’s plenty of things you can do in this game that aren’t the Mage Tower.

we’d like our own mage tower…
a less tedious version…
you go play yours.

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I am. I’m having lots of fun. :slight_smile:

then the mage tower just isn’t for them :slight_smile: how do you not understand this? its been explained so many times. This game has one hard solo challenge, one!! your grandma and wife can go run something else. Welcome to reality where wanting something doesn’t just mean you get it.

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it’s not the dying we enjoy. It’s the learning from each mistake and then the thrill of the final kill. That sense of accomplishment is a real good feeling.

A lot of people did the mage tower towards the last points in the expansion where they were decked out the wazoo in power and at their utter maximum instead of when the content was actually released whereas the mage towers are clearly tuned for the latter.

AKA alot of people who cleared them did so not doing them at the difficulty level they were actually intended for.

Some specs seem to check out fine. But the tank spec for paladin and warrior are a MILE OVER TUNED. Look back at legion videos and the damage on p1 is so far off to its current state. You will have 3 infernals spawned and boss will be 75% health.

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Depending on the spec. Each encounter is tuned to each class and spec. Blood Dk and prot warr is the same fight but the warr has double the health to chew off. Its extremely back and forth on spec.

Its downscaled…

Blizz needs to “balance” the consistency. Some specs are cheese while others are literally insane. Guardian druid was decently easy where prot warr is like slapping a brick wall with a plastic sword.

wait, are you saying its even harder?

Much Harder (for guardians), don’t listen to the elitists who have nothing to show for it.

Yeah guardian was by no means easy.

we want challenging, rewarding solo content.

no, that’s not rewarding enough

no, that’s too challenging


This right here. They’re once again catering to sweats.

Please blizzard nerf mage tower, it’s ridiculous, been up for 3days doing this, please NERF MAGE tower

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Guardian Druid Mage Tower :

The disclaimer :
This reply is for the people who just do not give AF about ‘git good’ or want to split hairs over anything but just are sick of running this challenge and want to get it done.

I don’t care for opinion or theory crafting with you, if you disagree with any of this, ignore the post and get on with your life. I don’t want to engage with people whose mental illness makes them feel so entitled that they feel the need to attempt to ‘correct’ anyone they disagree with, like it matters, your triggers are your responsibility, it isn’t the world’s obligation to tiptoe around you.

I know this will trigger the toxic people to go ‘oh this is toxic’ I don’t care
Irony is golden.

Now we can get on with what I came for, giving you…

The Good stuff:

Macros :
set up the following two macros :

/cast [@boss1] Skull Bash

variss and kruul both count as boss so this one can save your butt.

/target Highlord Kruul
/target [noharm] Tormenting Eye
/target [noharm] Inquisitor Variss
/target [dead] Inquisitor Variss
/cast moonfire

Second one lots of people will have a cry about but… honestly it saves a lot of messing around, if you see an eye, run closer to it then get back within ‘charge’ range of variss and outside of his decay aura:

Addons :


Highlord Kruul Helper

is handy but seems to be slightly mistimed in announcing twisted reflections but it’ll be enough to help.

Deadly Boss Mods addon :

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) - Challenges (Mage Tower/Torghast)

You can actually change the sounds and I’d recommend it so that you are clearly able to distinguish drain life and interrupt it.

The Talents


Gear :

  • Get your gear up to around 360 ish
    I used my claws of ursoc for the hell of it but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t really matter.

The Trinkets

Darkmoon Deck: Dance

It got nerfed but it helped still
Whatever else you have, I had a 369 trinket

Breath of the Plains

but I’m pretty sure this one you can practically ignore.

The Consumables

Food :

  • Fated fortune cookie

Stat Boosts:

  • The perfume ‘Victory’
  • Spectral flask of power
  • Draconic augment rune
  • Shadowcore oil

The Temp Boost Consumables

  • Feral hide drums
  • Potions of unbridled fury

The potion of unbridled fury lasts a minute, so drinking one BEFORE you go in, it will give you a wicked boost on variss, and it means you’ll have another one ready to go when you get to kruul, also will mean you don’t have to craft and or learn any more stuff…

The Fight :

Phase 1 :

  • I was standing to his left where there is a triangle cut out of the floor it became habit

  • not sure if it’s the perfect spot but it just became easier using the same spot because the rng became a little less chaotically unpredictable.

  • When it starts drop into owl form : dump as much dps into variss as possible, ie heart of the wild as he starts moving into position, a sunfire once he is in place then convoke and then dump into him for 2 seconds, you’ll have to interrupt him very shortly so if you want a starfire or wrath in the mix keep it in mind, don’t worry you’ll probably have to run another 50 or so attempts… I did 200+ in a 48 hour window but as a pay it forward you get this post. Personally I used typhoon to interrupt him the first time. ALWAYS interrupt Drain Life.

  • Save the floor circles for phase 2

  • when you interrupt drain life, dump dps into variss as bear don’t let stacks get above 5 or it’s almost a death sentence. I did have a couple of runs where it would hit 6 stacks and you CAN technically survive but if it hits 8 it’s like death…

  • The nether horrors:
    Annoying aF, you got to burn them fast preferably before they start their cast but if they get it off spam the hell out of barkskin incapacitating roar and thrash, if you are alive great, keep going
  • Something I noticed ideally the timing is such that they’ll group up on you when you’re interrupting drain life or they’re dead before that, but not if possible in between, be careful with owl form as those purple turds will go kill your run by targetting the guy you’re trying to save… you want their agro on you in bear form.

Phase 2 : is really a big dps check, Kruul will outlast you if you don’t move quick.

As soon as kruul is out as you’re attacking him use;

  • pot of unbridled fury
  • fel hide drums,
  • dance trinket
  • rage of the sleeper

smash the hell out of him… try and stay out of his green floor vomit, jump the tripwires, stay kinda near your floor circles so you can get to them if you have to.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS interrupt twisted reflections use the floor circles if you must, or it’s basically game over

With annihilate basically ignore the first one, barkskin and ironfur once, the third one ironfur twice, and if you’ve timed it and they haven’t tuned it to undo this strategy/outstat/outpot the challenge then he should be dead pretty quickly.

IF like me you die at literally 1% don’t dump out of the run, it is probable you just won

Hope this helps you kick butt and win!!

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