Magetowers extremely over tuned

Super weird cuz some other dude just made a subject saying it’s too easy and now every Druid is a fel bear so he wants to throw up lol.

you say that but i just compared my mw challenge with a youtube video from 9.2

in my challenge, compared to myself, the teammates have +100% HP and the archer has +800%.

in the video, compared to the person doing it, the teammates had +55% HP and the archer had +500%.

in short, i have 34% more HP than the other guy in 9.2, but my teammates have 74% more HP than his (74% harder to heal) and my enemies have 100% more HP than his (twice as hard to solo).

this scaling you’re referring to is either not working or is overtuned af. try it for yourself and let me know what u think of the pulsating orbs doing a trillion damage.

if anyone there can successfully do the healer challenge, please let us know how much HP you and the teammates had.

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9.2 used ilvl 50 tuning.

The new challenges are ilvl 130 tuned.

You’re comparing apples and oranges.

They made the dragon flight version much easier…

It should be hard but not that hard. This is what I got :rofl:

and? so is it really supposed to be nearly twice as hard than it was in 9.2?

if you’re so inclined i can just check out a legion video and compare to live the HP deltas, i’ll bet you this is harder than legion too because i remember doing it in legion and it was nowhere near this sweaty.

It’s harder than legion mostly because you could out gear it.
But it’s easier than 9.2.

And it will still never be as hard as it was when it was day 1 release back in legion.

it is a bug when you enter the challenge in bear form. im not sure what causes it but it was happening to me a month or so ago when i got my bear form. just leave instance and re enter in human form

i literally just ran you the numbers, live is nearly twice as hard as 9.2.

just checked a video from 7.2 (when it first came out), it was even easier back then than 9.2. everything has way less HP, way easier to heal.

you can keep saying meaningless statements, i am giving you the numbers. math doesn’t lie.

did you do the healer challenge? or are you just saying that?

You can state all the nonsense you want. It’s fact that some are in fact easier.

Guardian druid for one is much easier than 9.2.

Idk. You are stating nonsense with zero experience running it xD

I did at least 18 of the challenges back in legion. I’ve done a few in 9.2. I can personally tell you the difficulty differences. Throwing ‘math’ without actual experience, not taking gear, damage, scaling into account. Your math is meaningless.

There is also the difference in talents. DF introduced a bunch of old legion legos as talents which makes a worlds of difference.

i’ll give you i have only tried the healer challenge yet, so i can’t comment on the other ones.

but besides that, “experience” doesn’t really mean anything. memory can fail us, we can be mistaken, etc. but if what you really want is experience, i remember doing the healer challenge in legion and i can assure you it was way easier than it is now. i specifically remember the part with the eyeballs being the easiest, and currently that is hitting way too hard.

but i digress, “experience” is useless when you have actual evidence. i can see videos from the past and compare it to right now. stuff has WAY more HP, which means it takes much more effort to heal and kill (solo). i can see the person in the video doing half of the teammate HP in 1 vivify, meanwhile my vivify is doing 25% on crits.

log on a healer and attempt it, let me know how your experience goes.

The fights are tuned up, and so are you.

It’s a wash.

The fights are mostly easier because of the greater access to talents 9.2 didn’t have.

Thrash and/or Swipe are indeed still bugged and unusable despite being on your action bars and in your spellbook.

What you can do is swap into any Druid form other than Bear once you are inside the instance, then swap back into Bear form and the abilities should be usable. I do this during the RP dialogue.

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Mage tower is virtually impossible to do without some sort of mythic raid gear. Tried it multiple times and couldn’t even put a scratch in the boss’s health before getting one shotted by some undodgable mechanic. Dunno how people think unbeatable content that you have to retry 500+ times is fun.

You’ll be pleased to know then that your gear scales in the Mage Tower. So Mythic raid gear is identical to LFR raid gear in there.

Not knowing a mechanic doesn’t mean it’s undodgeable. You might want to start by at least figuring out the name of what killed you instead of continuing to throw yourself at a fight you don’t know and wondering why the same strategy keeps getting you killed.

This is very much a skill issue. Your gear scales down for the challenge, so gear isn’t an issue. None of these challenges should realistically be taking you anywhere close to 500 attempts. Go look at guides, figure out what you’re doing wrong, learn the fight, and win.

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