Magetowers extremely over tuned

I don’t want to sound condescending but if you mean the twins, it’s a kiting fight. In Legion, I struggled at first but when I walked away from it, I could kite multiple targets around the block and back. Still can.

Focus more on kiting and not burst damage. If the one advancing on you can touch you, you’re not kiting things enough.

For my own opinion on the mage towers:

I’ve tried Frost and Arcane on my mage. Frost is doable but the 2nd phase can either go too fast or too slow depending on aoe talents. Frost AOE isn’t exactly overly flexible at the moment.

For Arcane: I didn’t do this one in legion and probably need to read a guide but my spells can’t even damage Sigryn/her mates enough for it to be worth it. I might give this another go some day when more people have done it again and updated the guides to suit the current talent trees.

Haven’t touched Fire since I haven’t played the spec actively since Wrath.

Cue elitists: IT IS NOT OVERTUNED LH2P (raging)

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Guardian Druid could out range the hp debuff … is that still possible?

It’s actually even easier now. Most of Guardian’s damage comes from Moonfire and you can use Sunfire/Starsurge as a faux Balance rotation from safely outside the void zone. Throw in a nice HotW and you can have phase 1 done pretty easy while only stepping inside to Skull Bash his Drain Life.

That makes sense… guessing there is probably caster gear that could further cheese it too or maybe some damage trinkets that don’t scale down well.

At the risk of being flamed, I do symapthise with the OP, I find it tedious to farm up old world materials and gear specifically for these niche gameplay modes but then again that is probably the longevity of the content… if old world gear/mats didn’t clog up investory/bank space, I would probably be more in favour of this type of thing.

I actually don’t think you need old world gear. I just went in with the clothes I had on my back from my Feral main. The new talents make it a lot easier to tailor yourself to the encounter and I think that matters much more than old world gear.

I used to try to push myself and do harder content but I’ve been slowing down as my characters are basically retired from their glory days.

I want to try it because it seems fun, but I don’t generally do too well with stress.

All things considered, is it really as bad as everyone makes it out to be?

I made some good progress on the Assa Rogue one, but TBH I don’t know what to do any the end. Chain cast shield and Enrange buff on the 2 mobs was overwhelming.

Jesus please read.

Oh dang they enrage now? I remember back in Legion once you ran out the fight script they just gave up and did nothing until you killed them. There were a couple of characters where my strategy was literally to go full survival mode until that happened. Makes sense that they’d add an enrage to it instead.

I just finished leveling my Rogue this weekend. Gonna give it a shot some time this week. Wish me luck!

People who can’t complete the mage tower is the reason we can’t have nice things? What kind of clown show reply is that? :clown_face: :clown_face:

It’s actually very fun to farm Legion and BFA gear. It feels like Diablo. You can get leech and a socket on every single slot. It makes a difference and gives you a good reason to do old content.

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It took me many attempts to figure out and dial in a unique spec, bindings, macros, and enchants.

I was skeptical about the tuning due to my low damage and the high unavoidable damage I was taking. But I knew I was also making mistakes, so I kept at it. Eventually, I could handle the mechanics without thinking and with enough repetition. It’s just really unforgiving and reminded me of a hard FromSoft boss.

Multitasking can be challenging for me, so verbally tracking things like interrupts was very useful. Ultimately, I got it down, and it felt extremely rewarding.

For those struggling, think of wipes as coding the encounter into your nervous system lol, and enjoy the progression. Once it’s all automatic, you’ll get it.


I will say the Mage towers are tough but doing the green fire fight with low ilvl gear when it first launched in MoP was the hardest thing I ever did in game.

First time I beat Agatha back in Legion I had recruited my sister to watch over my shoulder and warn me when a boulder was coming down since I kept not noticing them.

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Sorry. The enrage is a regular mechanic. The ax guy gets slow moving but hits like 500% harder. Its fine to handle because you can outrun him, or stun or evade tank. But when he enters it back to back 3 times while i have to break the shield (very tight already with a non moving mob meaning i cant out run him) multiple times as well…idk it was a lot. Maybe my dps was just too low

What is some of the cheese gear people have found. Anyone?

If I recall, the MoP crafted gear was popular due to having easy access to a lot of gem slots. People also would mix and match expansion gear since each expansion had enchants for different item slots, so by doing that you could enchant nearly everything.

Wonder if that works. I had some Legion gear, and even some BFA gear that scaled terribly when i tried to use it. Like it was below what we were scaled down to :frowning:

Practice practice practice :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet you are commiting mechanics mistake.
We never had mage tower this easy. NEVER.

The only reason you did back in legion was because of broken legendaries, like the neck that gave a lot of absorb to cheese everything. Plus, you probably did mage tower in the end of expansion, where you had high ilvl to steamroll the mobs.

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It’s funny because I just read a post that talked about how easy mage tower is now and how they need to make it harder. So which is it!?

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