Magetowers extremely over tuned

You really think paladin is the hardest tank for the challenge? You completely trivialize phase one with avengers shield, the adds with divine toll, and you can live through a ton of annihilates as well. The only downside really vs other tanks is you have no way to leap or charge after getting knocked off by an infernal, but if you’re constantly running in a strafe motion that should never happen anyway.

I was able to do guardian in 10 or so attempts, same with resto. I spent about 3-4 hours on boomy. Never got her past 30% health.
Warrior was tough but was able to down it, same with enh sham took about 30-50 attempts each.
Boomy needs to be looked at for sure tho. 4.5k overall dmg each attempt and never even came close.

Boomy feels super overtuned right now, same with frost mage.

i agree. as a clothy, i am being melted! in a simple brothers fight. the auto attack damage is pretty bad

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Look at all the trolls who think they’re better because they can call people bad for saying something might be overtuned. Makes ya feel real good don’t it. Thinking that nerfing something a little bit means the same as nerfing into the ground. Ya’ll are bipolar.

For the start of an expansion, yes it does feel a bit overtuned. Haven’t had much issue with mechanics. Tried sub rogue had a handful of attempts (mostly wipes) from getting extremely unlucky teleports early on rather than cloaking or burning shadowsteps I optd to just reset. Didn’t have much issue with adds in phase 2 easy enough to slow with crippling or stun. fully enchanted gear, used drums, pots, runes, flask, kept slice up kept rupture up think I managed to get the dude to like 30% before the whole platform was covered in purple rot and just die. Stat priority is good, build is good, rotation is good just don’t have the dps to down the guy (that could be a result of having to burn shadow dance occasionally on adds to burn them in time). idk if outlaw or assa might be a better option.

Edit: after several more attempts, yes the adds I believe have too much HP in phase 2. Just the design of sub and the talent tree layout choices. aoe is extremely weak or you drop a lot of boss dmg for aoe talents. You just need more time to burn them without giving away too many dps CD’s you need to use on the boss. I think 50% crippling poison vs 70% would probably make a big difference but you can’t get 70% crippling anymore. You can get 60% with a talent but you’d have to trade something too big for it. boss dps was my issue, I changed talents for that, now the adds are an issue.

I think some fights are and some aren’t. Guardian, which I just completed earlier today, is much easier than it was in SL, even easier (at least for me) than it was in late Legion. I think it took around 25-30ish attempts as where in Legion it took just north of 100 and after a bunch of pulls in SL I just threw in the towel. Hopefully Blizz tunes some of the ones that are a bit overtuned atm.

I’ve been doing the mage tower with zero consumables and just green questing/timewalking gear on my new 70 and the Raest fight just melts. I’m mainly having problems with moving to the purple circles in time. Spriest are sooo slow :sob:

Bro…fight him in the arena. Youre pulling him towards the entrance which automatically kills you. Stand where the cooking pot is. I cant believe you cant figure that out :skull:

He doesnt do that much damage in melee range


What made you think I was fighting him at the entrance? :man_facepalming:

Not the entrance of the instance, jesus bro :skull:

Edit: i also said TOWARDS


Not sure if dense or just a troll.

I was also referring to the little cave hole that exits into the fight room, not the zone entrance portal. And why tf would I run anywhere else anyway? Fighting him in the middle is literally the only option for both bosses and the mechanics.

Like are you okay? or are you trying to fish for a reason to be toxic/troll? :roll_eyes:

you tried it once and are now demanding nerfs? players like you are the reason this game is getting worse. Go play Tetris

I was trying a Havoc run and full buffed up i get 1 shoted after he drops the aoe.

The razor ice blocks are one-hit KO. You need to destroy them or jump over (carefully).

edit: the one-hit KO is if you touch them. Don’t move into them on the ground.

Its almost like how when this came out in legion you could just simply out gear it but now you actually have to be good at your class.
News flash most people arent so they complain.

I dont see the point in adding it now if you need a ton of gear to clear it, Just like the previous mage tower people are just going to ignore it until late in the xpac when they are extremely geared and faceroll its. Is it difficulty at that point or just a gear check?

Bro…you get scaled down to level 45. Please tell me at what point are you going to “overgear” it :skull:

I have said from the beginning, this is why you should ignore the “solo” players when they say they want challenging content geared for them. They never have, they want to sit in SW and get the best gear and the prettiest transmog just by logging in.

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Downed outlaw on the 98th attempt. Required a bit of RNG.
Greater flask of currents - 49 Primary stat
Buzzing runes x2
Legion rune + 7 primary stat
Sylvan elixir + 20 primary stat

The Rank 3 vers phials only applied the buff once I drank them inside the instance. Otherwise it was like 24 vs the 47

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