Magetowers extremely over tuned

Some of these are completely overtuned.

I smashed the guardian druid out fairly easily, cant even leave P1 of tank scenario as a prot warrior. The actual balancing for the class seems off, I know all mechanics quite well and have done it on druid + DH back in the day.

Warlock ones all seem very overtuned as well, destro especially.

Never doing imp boss again, there are just so many things wrong with that fight.

Did you not try these when they first came out in Legion TW during SL? Itā€™s nothing like what it was than, itā€™s far easier now. I just completed my WW one in some 20-30 attempts, last time around I went well over 300 for guardian druid and now people are saying Guardian is easy this time around.

Anyone who did not do these during the first Legion TW when it was re-released and is saying this version is bad, they are just not good enough if you ask me.

the difficulty of MT when it first came out was much higher, backed up by the data we have on fail rates.

People arguing MT was easy in Legion based on end-of-expansion scaling is a comon rhetoric, so you have to be clear about your argument if you are just going to toss blanket statements that donā€™t match physical evidence.

Also, donā€™t take it personalā€¦ wth?

I would say that i was pretty clear myself

But in regards to this part

Ive not seen, nor know how you would see this.
As far as i know none of my attempts have been tracked anywhere by anyone.
But if it does exist somehow, you could easily explain that away by saying that in legion it was brand new so no players had any experience with it.
This is now the third time its been up so people could have had a few years experience with it and have access to multiple detailed guides.

But ultimately im not fussed either way.
Its not a transmog i will ever use so im more than fine never having it.

I didnt take it personally. Its just kind of annoying when someone says you said something you never did.

Aaaand here we go again.

The mage tower itself is not overtuned. Itā€™s imbalanced.

Some encounters are WAY harder than others, which is why most people whoā€™ve completed all of the challenges have done the same ones.

For example, WW monk is WAY easier than everything else. I boosted a monk to 70 in SL, walked in without ever playing the spec before AT ALL, and beat the challenge in like 10 pulls.

Compared to resto sham (pre nerf), where iā€™ve mained the spec for YEARS, and it took like 350 pulls.

Tank challenge is way easier with DH, frost mage is way easier than s priest (even though it was broken later on in SL and the adds walked in circles instead of straight towards you), etc.

Iā€™m still sad that doing these in legion doesnā€™t count retroactively. Iā€™d be happy to do the last 3 toonsā€™ challenges that I didnā€™t have time for back in Legion but no thanks. Not going through that healing one again. It gave me nightmares doing it the first time around as a priest at 900 ilevel without the resurrect cloak.


What would you all say is the easiest spec for each challenge this time around?

Xylem: Arms was pretty manageable

Kruul: Guardian(?)

Agatha: ?

Sigryn: ?

Twins: ?

Tugar: ?

Healer: ?

Yea, this garbage keeps happening and quite frankly, it points to severe incompetence of the devs. Take Torghast for example. There were classes where it didnā€™t matter their ilvl, spec etc. It was just objectively impossible for them to complete a layer 16 run, let alone go for the layer 8+ achieves for the boss rush mode. Itā€™s stupid AF.

Finished 7 of 7 in SL. These are the ones I did ranked easiest to hardest. These are also, for the most part, the same ones everyone else does. If youā€™re having trouble, try these ones.

  1. WW Monk
  2. Elemental Shaman
  3. Ret Paladin
  4. Arms Warrior
  5. DH Tank
  6. Frost Mage (only cuz adds were broken)
  7. Resto Sham (prenerf, most people do h pally)

the clarity of your language is measured by how many people misunderstand you. Given no one thought you said what you thought you said, you werenā€™t clear enough.

Meaning to ask, are Mage Tower challenges only available during the Legion Time Walking?

Youre the only one that replied.
You cant use your sample size of 1 as evidence XD

Anyway, i dont care at this point.
You know now so all is cleared up.

Kruul: definitely easier in warrior or DH. Leaps remove half the difficulty. Druid can die super easy from just getting thrown or pushed by the beams into a bad place. Hardest with Paladin.

Healer: monk / paladin are easier. DPS and CC are very important here.

Agatha: easiest with feral or warrior?

Sigryn: Rogue

Twins: MM hunter

Tugar: Monk. Disc?

Definitely Monk. Being a melee with a short CD interrupt makes it so much easier.

I agree with you on Xylem. I had way more luck on arms than the other specs I tried.

Kruul I managed to just walk in and he fell over on Guardian Druid. Ran DH as well, and it wasnā€™t bad (but for whatever reason I needed a good number of pulls on that one).

Healing challenge was easiest for me on Hpal, but Iā€™ve done em all, just bloody hate that place all around.

Agatha was great on Elemental Shaman for me.

Sigryn was fun on Demo Warlock, but Arcane Mage wasnā€™t bad either. Thereā€™s a video up of an Arcane Mage doing Sigryn challenge in 36 seconds! Crazy stuff!

Twins was pretty good as Frost Mage. MM hunter has great utility for it as well.

I only did Tugar as Discipline. Struggled the most with this one. It was the first one I did after tower revamp, tho.

To each their own I think. Whatever classes/specs youā€™re most comfortable with will always be your best picks.

Stop being a casual its not that hardā€¦Just make sure you use every single consumable and enhant gear with leech

Well I call the boss being able to immediately one shot you on the pull with no buff over tuned.

I did the Arms warrior one a couple of days ago. I thought it was hard, but in a fun way. Difficulty felt just right. I killed the boss by the skin of my booty and it felt great

I beat it by evenly dpsing them down until worm was so low I feared first scream and killed before the second.

The tank ones arenā€™t tuned very hard honestly. I one shot guardian and prot paladin, I already did them all but I just wanted to see what it was like with the new talents. If you do the mechanics and donā€™t get knocked off and donā€™t use any orbs in first phase its really an easy fight.