Mages, you all need Tome!

Literally this! :joy:

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Picked up Furious Ragefeather at Heroic level today and paired it with Tome. Was hoping the tick would be a great trigger, but after two runs kind of gave up on it.
Feather just doesn’t proc enough.

Heart triggers it better than feather is my final call, and heart has the “execute at 5%” thing that is really underrated. I wish I could get a good read on just how much damage that equates to over a dungeon run.

By tomorrow I’ll probably be a frost mage anyway. I just can’t leave that big a gap in DPS on the table. I’ll have to get a weak aura or something and learn the rotation, but should be easy enough.

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It’s pretty huge, especially when the DoT spreads because then it will execute the entire surviving pack and that happens pretty often so it could easily shave a few minutes that you would have otherwise spent on trash over the course of the entire dungeon. Obviously the higher the M+ the more value you get out of it since that 5% remaining will be more. Of course you don’t get credit for it on the meters and the value for the group drops substantially if more than one person is using it but it’s super helpful, imo. And since I don’t care about the meters I don’t mind taking a hit to my ego for the group, lol.

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I just wanna see the crystal drop :frowning: … I’m like 50ish runs in and still havent even seen it (myself or group drop)

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dropped 3 times for me, i need upgraded tome though!!!

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Frostmage rota is not hard esp. for aoe.
ST needs a bit practise if you play the +meta+ glacial stuff.

I play finally without glacial and t-set atm and its good enough for hero raid and keys up to 10 ^^

Rly looking forward to TWW finally some +new+ stuff and not only glacial anymore…i hope.

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Just ran with a fire mage and he had a script running that put in party chat every time it executed a mob and for how much. I asked him where from, but he ghosted me. But at least that could give me a data point at the end of a round to see the impact in numbers. I hope details includes it at some point.

EDIT: Just search WeakAura for it and it supposedly also adds the damage to Details: [Umbrelskul’s Fractured Heart - Execute Notifier & Details Integration]
I’d share the link, but the forum bot blocks it, oh well.

There’s a WeakAura that tracks it on your Details! AddOn.

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Yea, I just grabbed it, will give it a test run today. Glad someone got after it.

Edit: doesn’t seem to be working for me, idk why.

Mine was averaging around 7M on execute per run while doing mostly +11 and +12s. It should be more with higher keys due to mobs having more health at 5% HP but at the same time you need more luck for it to trigger at the right time.

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Ok, just realized Vessel of Searing Shadows does fire damage and can in turn proc the ring effect (and neck if I ever get it), so my new-new plan is run Vessel plus Tome, plus Armor patch, plus Amice of the Blue, plus ring, plus neck…and proc Tome every 2 seconds! Wish me luck. And I’ll have to stack Mastery and Crit on gear. Hooaa!

Pretty sure vessel completely saturates the ring anyway and you don’t need a shadowflame embellishment. maybe even head enchant and 1 shadowflame is enough to get the ring proc right up. You won’t beat fragment for arcane, maybe ashes trinket is a close second

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Ahh, good point, didn’t think the ring had maybe a cap on it’s proc…so that shifts my thoughts a little.

So I got the Tome last night. As expected it sims lower than Belo”relos and Fractured Heart but it’s still amusing, I’ll probably hang on to the thing just for grins and use it for soloing.

I got a kick out of my duplicates saluting before they disappear. I think the only thing I’d change about it is that my character should yell, “Me! Take care of them!” when the images appear.


That trinket is good on any caster both feels and the damage!

Got it recently on this druid alt and my god the proc chance is insane. I get to see 5 mirror images of myself casting arcane nukes consistently

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Nice! We aren’t sure, but suspect it benefits from the arcane mage’s mastery bonus, which impacts all arcane based damage. I’d be curious to see what numbers you get from it. To see if that’s true or we are just making it up.

I’ve seen it crit as high as 700K+ per bolt. I need to check logs maybe and see the details.

I know current live game is all but dead anyway, but I just grabbed Vessel of Searing Shadow and paired with Tome and it’s a hot combo! My last thing to do is craft some feet to max with the shadow damage armor thing on them. This will give me the max number of proc’ing side items and I’m hoping see Tome into the 40M+ per run range.