If they made it the stronger option, most people would hate it. You underestimate how polarizing a pet is for classes that aren’t designed around permanent pets to begin with.
That being said, if they wanted to make it an option for open world where it’s obviously not the optimal throughput choice, I’d be totally fine with it.
That had nothing to do with it. Here’s the official word on it from an interview:
Water Elemental is a little different in that it’s not totally gone, just summoned now as part of using Icy Veins as opposed to a standalone pet. The standalone pet summon had a very low pick rate to begin with, and thinking through interactions - is this a class we’re trying to shoehorn into being a pet class, as opposed to just a pure ranged caster? Most players prefer to be the pure ranged caster, as we could see from the talent selection. Water Elemental is there as part of the original Warcraft III-era fantasy of what a Mage in Azeroth can bring to bear, and I think moving it to Icy Veins keeps it as part of that fantasy, makes it more impactful when it’s around, but crystalizes Mage as not a pet class in line with how players have largely been playing it.
I don’t care about sims. I always took lonely winter once it was added because I didn’t create a mage to play a pet class. If I’d wanted pets I would have chosen a warlock instead.
As a cooldown though it’s cool as hell. I’ve said many times I think they need to flip it with icy veins. Make Summon Water Elemental the spell and have it also grant the haste buff. It’s a far more interesting ability than just a stat boost and should be the star of the show.
This is the third or fourth post about this in the last week. It’s done and the time to fight for it was when 10.1.5 was on the PTR. Frost Mage is not a spec/class that needs to be focused on right now.
And that is the point that most of you mages do not get:
Only because there would (again) be an option, you DON T HAVE to take it.
But be so nice/polite and let us other mages (who want that) take it, without flaming/saying no other mages want it and its good that it is gone.
In general the mage community can use some more kindness and thinking about others.
If the pet lovers would say: “ONLY THE PET SPEC MUST BE VIABLE” it would be the same nonsense in green.
More options per class is never a bad thing. But Blizzard is lazy and just deletes everything that causes a +bit+ more work for them. And that is just sad, bec. an MMO just lives of diff. options and flavours.
FOR YOU its not a pet class.
Learn to accept other opinions pal.
Its rly annoying to read this all the time by diff. People.
Should i assume youre one other guy bec. he wrote the same stuff all over?
You see the problem?
Thats good thing sadly.
I can’t tell if they do it to spam or try to get posts off other threads or what.
But starting this one was completely unnecessary.
Last thread was trying to ride the coat tails of the mm pet thing. It turned into talking about mage pets and died.
But we also have other threads going, which makes this a redundant duplicate topic. Leading me to believe they are trying to gets posts and do the same thing as they tried with the mm thread.
And it just played better without having to worry about a pet.
I did the same with mine when lonely winter became an option. As did most. Which is why they pruned the elemental.