Mages water elemental

Can you show me where Mag said anything of the sort? I’ll wait.


It was removed because mages aren’t a pet class. Deal with it.

Ugh, out of curiosity, how did you come to that conclusion, like, at all?

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This thread is like if BuzzFeed ran on Internet Explorer

Frost had the water elemental for almost 20 years. Deal with it.

Because i opened a thread about the pet :wink: and even before people were accusing that i would have more than 1 foren-char here and push my thread=thats just not the case.

Almost 10 years in a 20 year old game.
You just argued that its been without longer than with contributing to the “why bring it back?” arguement lol.


its called a typo, my bad fix’d it for you though deal with it.

No one is disputing that it used to be a thing, so there’s nothing to deal with.

Yall on the other hand have to come to terms with the fact that it’s gone.

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Idk why I’m having to “deal with it” when I’ve been happily running lonely winter since they added it to the game.

So the one that has to “deal with it” is the one making threads with nonsensical arguments to bring it back.

In the late WotLK classic I was looking forward to having my permanent elemental. Then I was reminded that in those days it was still very clunky, what with its cooldown, enemies loving to target and one shot it, it didn’t have the 90% AoE reduction proper pets did, and the fact Assist wasn’t an option yet, instead being stuck with Aggressive.

(And yes I know you could macro it to Frostbolt but it still had a habit of not switching targets when you did. Assist is just so much better.)

The idea nobody used the water elemental at all was also false as countless people like myself used it. It fit the class fantasy of a frost mage as even frost mage Jaina has them but nope they removed them, then people complained, then they made it pop up during a long cooldown ability’s short duration but you get no control over it when it appears. My frost mage was quite sad losing her elemental buddy so I had to hunt down a pet version to make up for their absence 99% of the time

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On topic… and talking out of my rearend as I don’t think I’ve ever played Mage in retail and any experience I had would be decades out of date at this point… but…

Thematically a permanent water elemental does not make sense to me. You aren’t taming an elemental. You are creating an artificial construct… that should be on a timer before whatever magic was infused into that construct comes undone.

A permanent tamed elemental seems more like a Shaman totem again or Hunter getting more taming options as they seemingly have over the years from exotic pets, to dead pets (I think), to mechas, etc.

Huh… I wonder if Death Knights or Warlocks ever got the option to ‘tame’ undead and demons… I’ll have to look into that… Maybe they went the Necromancer angle with one of the specs… hmm…

OP, forum moderators deleted my comment. I hope you got a chance to see it. lol

No i didnt :person_shrugging:

As a temporary summon. Which we still have.

She walked around Dalaran with two of them as more than a temporary summon, really kind of annoying they just decided to make it temporary going forward

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She also has elementals just permanently hanging out playing with kids in Boralus. This was just a very weird attempt by Ion to pretend the decision is grounded in lore, and not just gameplay.

Personally, I don’t care about the gameplay at all. I just wish they had given us an optional permanent pet that doesn’t attack outside of Icy Veins, but lets us roleplayers who’ve had the pet for years keep it for the aesthetic.

So…just to be clear. People choose the strongest abilities?

Bang up detective work, sport.

It isn’t grounded on lore. LOL. that’s the issue. The issue was that, Players pick that talent that gets rid of the pet cuz it was simming better.