Give me back my Elemental, Blizzard

Trying to get Dragonwrath on my mage, and I physically can’t because Shanoxx needs a second target to drop the traps, and I don’t have a second target because you decided I didn’t deserve my water elemental friend.

Give me back my water elemental.


That’s a weird ask since priests, druids, and evokers can’t solo it either.

Just ask /1 or /2 or a friend lol.


Good news. You already have it.


You know full well I don’t in any meaningful way.

Do you need a hand? I can be on in a bit to help.

Wait… foxes have hands? They’re not paws?

Never mind show me your paws anyway.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I shall do no such thing!

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Your a Rogue, go steal it back! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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We still get it temporarily. How long do you need?

Yes, but they were set up to be without pets. The frost mage has had a pet since its inception into WoW. Just look at the stink kicked up with a hunter spec losing some it’s pet/pet abilities on PTR, which were close to making it in game.

That’s how I also felt seeing my Frost mage like it is now. I haven’t really gone back and played it again and will be down further on the list now.

Just to make it clearer, I (much like the person who has the rogue - which might be their favourite or close to favourite character in WoW) have all the classes - even though not specs, and some of the same specs of classes twice - just the way it worked out.

So, I know what you are talking about druids and priests, well they do now have - much like the mages, a timed pet. However, they do have other things that separate and make them special, yes mages have Teleport. Though with the way you can do your multi hearthstones on a timer, combined with better flying to get to some portals. This has made this skill semi null and void.

So, the only thing that made Frost mages special before this expansion, they ripped it away, and then made it like others that had a dismissable pet. They could of left it similar to hunters (or even warlocks - which an example is not given here), as they use a mixture of shooting and spells to cast things and lay things on the ground.

But they went the opposite and have made them an outcast among many who chose to play them from close to the begining or when they chose them, the reason they chose them. Because of the persistent pet. Now it is gone, and no or less or reason to play the class and specification. In this Blizzard, you should of gone to 'SPEC’savers.

You don’t need a place holder pet to feel special.
They brought back a frost staple of frostfire bolt this xpac.

I was more so talking about how you can’t solo this with them.
Treants and shadowfiend, while being pets, will one shot shannox.

I had to get a friend to help me get mine on my evoker when they first came out.
It’s okay not having pets to cheese group mechanics.

Tbh if that’s what is stopping you from playing frost, I think you just don’t like the spec.
Same with mm and the whole pet debacle.

The pet just existed for these specs. Frost at least had an extra nova, but due to pet ai it was usually always annoying to deal with. You are talking to an og frost mage. The pet was a nuisance. When lonely winter came. I immediately swapped to it.

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No, it has not.

The pet wasn’t added until BC, and it was not a fully fledged pet in BC. It was a cooldown. To my knowledge it was not a permanent addition to the spec until sometime in Wrath or Cataclysm.

Mage as a class was not designed or balanced specifically around a pet that one spec had. Frost as a spec had some aspects balanced around it, and as time wore in fewer and fewer things took the elemental into account.

Pretty different issue, since Hunter as a class has had pets since the day the game launched. Every spec used them and the entire class was balanced and built around their existence.

MM now has a superior option to entirely rip the pet out and gain far more than it loses. The option to keep the pet exists to appease people. :dracthyr_shrug:

BC was like 2 years out of like 20? The game is still like comparetively new. Especially since some or many games burn out and don’t even have a 2 year cycle. They are tossed out before then.

As for how it reacted. I wasn’t talking about that. Hunters, Warlock, DKs and any perma pets still have CDS, even now. I play them. Still go around on them. I tried most of them, even for a little while, whilst the celebration was on. The only one I wasn’t happy with the overall changes was my frost mage. It was odd not playing with the pet.

Sure, you may like the changes. Maybe you have played fire and arcane as well (that’s a hypothetical, I am not saying you do or don’t), however stick with me. You are more acustomed to playing a mage without a pet. Or you like the changes that are made and can live with them. That’s ok, whilst many others do not like the changes, including some reasoning given here.
Yes I know this wasn’t to start off with, though it come about and started a conversation about them, which lead to my answer, then also this reply.

Though me and many others, for somewhere between 2-18 years (going back to BC) that’s all that they have known. It’s like telling someone that has driven an automatic car for 2-18 years, that they suddenly have to learn to drive stick/manual. This illistration, is to show a point in the same way that (whether you do or not is inconsequensial) but you find out you like driving manual. However, many other that are forced with this change do not. There is no option to still choose between manual and automatic. There’s only 1 choice. Similar to the choice to have a pet. It was taken away.

The smart thing would have been to have in the hero talents somewhere to make that choice availavable to the player. It may not be the best choice, depending on the situation, however at least the choice was/has been returned to the player.

As for the last thing about the hunter, they could of done a similar thing for the frost mage players. Sure it wasn’t at the start, but it was near the start 18 years out of 20 is pretty close! As I have already mentioned. Also, I have also mentioned in the last paragraphs last few sentences what they could of done. Maybe with the PTR still in play, they can still appease Frost Mage players by doing like I suggested. What hero talent do they remove? I don’t know. Maybe the one with the lowest benefit now and into the future as they see. Until then, my Frost Mage will get the cold shoulder (slight chuckle).

Way longer than Icy Veins lasts.

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Get a friend. This is easily one of the more silly reasons to ask for the frost mage pet to be brought back as a permanent option.


Even with warlock pets, it’s far easier to just get a friend for that part.


Yea with current scaling, I wouldn’t risk a pet period lol.

When I tried back in 11.0, he just wasn’t casting traps.

Dude I need Shannox too on my Druid. Want to do it together?