Mages need serious love

Not every class has the luxury to demand their 3rd dps spec get buffed though. You could all change right now and be fire and do more dps than a paladins only dps spec. Me saying that makes mages angry though.

Iā€™m glad you feel ā€œknow better,ā€ but many players saw it as ā€œI have enough soul ash to make a legendary and have a quest to do so.ā€ Your argument about knowing better is practically moot.


People asking for the CURRENT WORST DPS SPEC should not be this difficult to understand.


yeah lol, paladins donā€™t ask for their 3rd dps spec to get buffed, they ask for their prot and holy specs to be balanced instead, :rofl:

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If it gets dumpstered youā€™ll be on the forums crying about wanting a refund on ash. Me? Ill make a decent one once tuning is done. Work smarter not harder.

Sure but the statement doesnā€™t change the fact. On paper, all specs should be within 10% or so of one another and all should be viable for mythic raiding and most keys.

Frost (and a few others) are currently undertuned to the point that they do as little as half the damage as other specs in raid.

That isnā€™t cool and folks have every right to ask for better balance. lol

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Your argument is not to craft legendaries to help performance because the numbers arenā€™t in to see how frost is performing and you may want to swap specs?

The problem lies in the fact that you shouldnā€™t have to reinvest into covenants, legendaries, and an entire gear set to swap specs.

Theyā€™re all threatening to quit though and personally attacking me. Its kinda funny actually. Iā€™ve resigned myself to the way the game actually is not wishfully hoping that one day soon my prince shall come.

Better wait for the two weeks after mythic tuning tuning and the half way through the first patch tuning and then the start of second patch tuning too! Donā€™t want to get caught out afterall! :joy:

The one I want to craft i can use for all 3 specs though. Its an all arounder not BiS about to get nerf bat to the face.

I havenā€™t seen a single person in this thread threaten to quit, just people asking for some attention in the next balance pass.
and any personal attacks against you are entirely due to your seemingly pathological hatred for the idea of mages getting rebalanced, since you seem perfectly happy to suggest buffs for literally anyone else, including specs that outperform ours.


The cow that is actually a mage did. And he continues to harass me because reasons.

I see so the smart people are crafting meh legendaries, got it. :joy: Better to throw the ash away on meh rather than bis I guess.

Its 2nd best for every spec in all forms of content.

Go look at icy veins. And youā€™ll see which one i mean cuz its listed on every specs page.

Well thatā€™s nice, now Iā€™d only need to refund all the hours I put into the venthyr ember court and renown and Iā€™ll be good to go switch specs.

so your settling for mediocrityā€¦ yā€™know what, somehow that does not surprise me in the slightest.

personally iā€™m planning to craft 3 legendaries for arcane and a fourth for fire incase I ever decide to switch for a bit, cuz we get WAY more soul ash than we need for leggos.


Its 2nd best for every spec. And is said if you plan to switch specs is the one you should make first.

Also if you want to waste that kind of gold thats on you.

no no, you donā€™t need to explain yourself, I understand completely. you have made it VERY clear that you think people should just be happy with whatever half-rate class balance they get, so iā€™m not surprised that you would go for half-rate legendaries instead of putting the tiny bit more work in thats required to get your BIS.

in case you didnā€™t notice THESE are personal attacksā€¦ I wanted to help you out so you could at least be right about SOMETHING in this thread.

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Yes attack me. Be mad. Iā€™m not upset at all. Iā€™m talking with people about this thread and weā€™re loling.

Loving something doesnā€™t fix it. They need serious therapy, medical checkups, and a treatment plan. Love will make it easier but wonā€™t do the work for us.

Imagine being so invested in a thread about mages while maining a warlock that you post over 50 times. Thatā€™s pretty funny. edit: oh he typing again, we going to get some more funny.