Mages need serious love

oh i’m not mad, you just have nothing of any value to add. the entirety of your arguments can best be summed up with this response.

What’s funny is the pearl clutching mages always do when their pet spec isn’t top tier.

So you came to this thread to insult them and denigrate them, that’s all you came to add and you post about it over 50 times. Way to go.


You are a great example of what’s wrong with this player base.

  1. You identify with a class, to the point of victim mentality. One of “my” specs sucks, so the fact that yours does as well is just too bad. Misery loves company, so I’m going to come into a thread discussing mage problems, and take the opportunity to complain about “my” class, as proof that you don’t deserve anything.
  1. Once again…you feel like you got hurt, so everyone else should be hurt as well. Instead of addressing the actual point of this thread, i.e. some mage specs are under performing, from a class that brings nothing BUT damage, you complain about your own class.

Mages SHOULD top DPS charts, along with other classes that are “pure” dps classes. There is no way that say…a Paladin, that brings so many other tools to a fight, should even be remotely close to a mage or other focused DPS class. NO class with any kind of significant self healing should out damage a mage for instance, that includes Boomkins, Shadow Priests, and Locs currenty, and you could argue DK.

Mages have a perfect right to complain about not being top of the DPS charts, because they pay for that with their toolset. People on these forums are constantly cherry picking one aspect of a class, and not taking into account the totality of that class, and where it should sit in DPS rankings.


I came into the thread to constructively debate my opinions vs mages opinions and ended up getting personally attacked by multiple mages. And even had a pally knight me because yall were wildin

because you HAVE no opinions other than “suck it up, one of your specs is b tier so you have no right to complain”

When I do 200k to 300k less in overall dmg and parse a 98 vs everyone else its a problem.


Yeah because your opinion is basically shutting other’s opinion’s down every time they dare express them. You don’t just say it and then let other’s say, you actively tell them they are wrong over 50 times.

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Read the druid that just attacked me because apparently being able to heal yourself means you should do sub par dps. That’s the thought process I’ve been arguing against the entire time.

Nah mate, you’ve been arguing that mages should be happy because they have one decent dps spec and shouldn’t ask for more. Don’t you remember?

I wanted to play mage so bad not of they’re like the worst damagers right now. Frost mage from what I seen on a graph is the 2nd worse, the worse is Fury Warriors lol. All 3 mage specs were low, the highest being Fire. /:

i’m surprised he even remembers what thread he’s posting in with how often he’s moved that goalpost.

Did you actually read the entirety of every post I’ve made in this thread? Because I’ve definitely argued against it

Ikr, logically I couldn’t fathom spending so much on a mage thread as a warlock telling mages what they should be thinking but I guess Dok thinks he knows best. The best part is where he goes ‘im going to check the dps logs’ and I didn’t hear much back after that, perhaps he looked up frost mage on the mythic parses, dead last.

Do you think I don’t also have a mage? Or one or more of literally every single class?

They heavily nerfed the spec after that came out. That tier list is based on beta before there was a massive nerf to frost.

I lub you little gnomey spell slinger! Can I get a port or some food? Sorry I broke your sheep. Wait nevermind I haven’t seen a mage need crowd control in my limited play time. Carry on.

uhhhh huhhh… sure… seems like you totally argued against it REAL hard.

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I stopped looking at the tier list because I was responding to that one mage who started raging like a crazy person and it was more important to me to joke with my guild about his anger than look at logs.

At this point I’m just going to chalk Dok up as a troll, for our own sanity I think we all should. I don’t think he really believes what he’s arguing for anyways.