Mages need serious love

Why are hybrid specs doing significantly more damage than all 3 mage specs?


The only thing mage needs is frost and arcane single target buffs to bring them more in line with fire. Other than that they are fine.


Baseline bad luck protection for Frost’s procs that isn’t tied to a covenant ability would be nice. Something similar to what Fire has?


The parses disagree with you about fire being fine.


Its relatively middle of the pack and I believe a little higher than the middle. That is fine.


frost needs some serious love, arcane needs some casual love, fire needs a pat on the back and some rousing encouragement.

but yeah, the current state of mage makes me sad… when i can get a 95% parse, and still be out-dps’d by people getting 35-45% parses it really doesn’t feel great.
and when 5 out of the 7 bottom performing specs got buffs this week, and the ONLY 2 left out where mage… yeah that just feels like (wait for it) a slap in the face!

don’t care about being top of the pack, I actually think having massive outliers like fire was in 8.3 is bad for the game. I just want ALL specs and classes to be competitive (except warlocks… grrr warlocks… rabble rabble)


As much as I’d love a buff to my main, I have to admit that any mage spec still feels harder-hitting and more survivable than my poor shaman, even after getting them up to nearly the same gear level.
Might be because I’m trying to Elemental in the open world.

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Show me the lurve Blizzard, no no not that kind…

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They seem to be doing fine in higher end content, m5 or better.

Is it a ramp up time issue?

any time mages aren’t top dps as whatever their favorite spec is they cry about it. it’s hilarious to go to their forums and see them complain when frost is mid pack and fire is top 3 and that the mage class is trash cuz frost isn’t also top 3. lol


Frost is bottom with other classes above frost getting buffs. I think frost mage players have every right to complain. when legendary implements make it so your locked to it.


You had your time at the top, the time of the mage is over.


that’s the thing. you’re not a frost mage. you didn’t roll a frost mage class. you rolled a mage, which has 3 specs that you can freely switch between. you aren’t entitled to be top dps as all 3 specs because you like the flavor more any more than i can magically decide demo is my raiding spec and not aff. frost is good more often than demo is on average, so QQ.


I am going to call bull.

I play both an arcane mage (this character) and a frost mage (troll) and they need a decent shield OR a decent heal OR faster healing (like my arms warrior).


I disagree I’m totally entitled to a balanced class. I pay for this game I put time in. Your tune would change if it was warlock guarantee it.


balanced yes. but being balanced and viable is not the same as being optimal. every single class and spec is viable right now. but only certain ones are optimal. if you want all of your specs to be optimal you can kiss a rope.

and did you ever get told by the game director that they don’t want you to play your spec? cuz we got told that and then dumpstered when we were the best spec for our class at the time.


That’s not balanced sorry.


Mages have lots of love, they appeared in a cinematic twice!

Blizzard has stated that the idea of a “hybrid spec” doesn’t exist anymore. Yes I have some healing, but they have stated that all dps specs should be on the same playing field.