Mages need serious love

uuummmm… ret is parsing #4 so far in mythic nathria… and are dead center middle of the pack in heroic nathria parses only SLIGHTY behind fire mage, but clearly “solidly average dps” is in much more urgent need of attention than frost and arcane which are “far below average” and “below average” respectively.


the guy i was responding to is a paladin. would it make you feel better if i had said ww or some other random spec?

🥸 yes. this is true.

Your bias is showing.


apparently i shouldn’t respond mentioning your class that you play and mention an entirely different class to make the point to you that i was making because it hurts their feelings that ret isn’t trash for once.

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PvPer here…

My arcane mage is quickly becoming my favorite alt and might end up my main. But what I simply don’t understand: Every week, I keep improving my PvP gear with upgrades, but every week I seem to hit less and less and less hard. I’m even getting 1-shot and 2-shot more now that I have much better gear than I had early in SL.

This makes me think that something’s wonky either with our stat effects on performance or with the stat effects of some other classes, which may be better. ???

You’re stereotyping all of us as if we want hybrids to rot. We don’t.

Buffing underperforming specs does not take away anything from anyone. I don’t understand why some people in this thread are so against the idea.

They are doing the equivalent of covering their ears and jumping up and down while screaming “NO, NO, NO!”


And then they went back on that when they placed the emphasis on class instead of spec this expac.

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no one is mad that ret isn’t trash, no one is mad that ANY class isn’t trash. no one is saying we should nerf ret or any other spec really.

all we are saying is “hey, maybe we could do something to make these other specs NOT be trash” we aren’t even saying “make all of our specs top tier!” just some slight buffs to bring us up to the average.

but apparently the idea of any specs getting some buffs to bring them up to parity is somehow deeply offensive to you.


Meh. Frost needs some love. Proc fishing feels bad, esp when your Slick Ice goes its full duration without any. Feel entirely reliant on CDs to do decent damage, while still being outperformed alot of the time.

i’m looking on icy veins and it says frost is an A tier spec. guess that didn’t work out quite as planned. give me a sec to look over logs.

You just chose to ignore the fact that legendaries lock you into a spec? Lol

btw notice that his one spec is behind your good spec. the spec you refuse to change to that you could without rerolling completely. just casually mentioning that.

if you made a legendary before tuning was done for mythic you deserve to get your love taps. i have no sympathy. especially not for people who made more than one for the same spec.

and? so what? whats wrong with trying to balance ALL specs, as best as we can and point out where some specs need some attention (and got overlooked in the most recent balance patch)

but you said we don’t need any tuning to any classes, cuz as long as they have at least 1 okay dps spec then they are perfectly fine.

Played Forb mid BFA, loved it. It’s damage was outperformed by fire around mythic 10+. Couldn’t get pulled into pugs. Swapped to fire, tried to replace gear with similar ilvl for fire til the end of BFA.

if you’re gonna use your legendary as an excuse to not do better dps i am going to call you out on it. i am waiting to see if the one i want to use for aff will get nerfed. it’s 2nd best, not BiS. because i know better than to craft a BiS aff legendary before mythic tuning.

Balance is good. Getting a 99th percentile parse and being 10th on the meter (losing to folks getting like 50th-70th percentile parses) is not balanced. That’s undertuned.

Folks aren’t asking for frost mage to be made into a god tier spec. They just want it to, you know, be balanced.

Frost isn’t the only spec in this boat but it is uniquely terrible at single target right now. They overnerfed it not long before the beta ended and they will buff it eventually. That’s all there is to it. lol


while we’re at it, fury (ESP fury) and arms could use a bit more love as well, its still a little early to tell, but from the parses we have gotten in this week it doesn’t look like its made a HUGE difference so far.