Mages need serious love

am i insane for thinking that every class should have at least one decent spec? it is more important for ret to be buffed to be decent vs warlock spec #3. you guys literally can’t dps at all if ret isn’t good.

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WHERE are you getting the idea that ANYONE is telling you to shut up??? Quote it, because nobody has said that.

Disagreeing with someone and voicing an argument doesn’t drown you out. Chill.

Why do you hate class balance? Thats all you need to answer because thats all we’re asking for. Is it because of the those pally nerfs around the corner?

Nobody hates class balance, but there are priorities for the triage of poorly performing specs.

thank you for understanding the point i’m making. i can always switch to affliction to do good dps. if ret is trash. gg you get to reroll rogue.

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This warlock is literally posting every other post saying we should be happy and let it go and just switch to fire because we have one decent spec. Everyone else is trying to point out that it would be even better if the dps spread was negligible and every spec were viable. And you say I need to chill? How about the warlock and his 50 posts? He’s made his point and yet he seems to feel the need to repeat it 100x over and tell others what they should and shouldn’t be happy with.


Ideally, all classes have a spec that performs well in all content. If fire performs well in M+, then maybe Blizz can tune Frost and Arcane to perform better in PVP/raid content.

You are not wrong though about hybrid classes, that only have one DPS spec, needing changes more urgently than a DPS-only classc that has the luxury of swapping to a near identical spec.

You are just as guilty of repeatedly making your point— but is that something to be guilty about? Voicing your opinion? No. Continue to respond in this thread so it rises in activity level and garners more eyes, potentially for a dev to read.

That’s discourse. Him participating in discussion shouldn’t threaten you just because he disagrees with you.

I made it over and over only because he can’t accept that other’s might have a different opinion to his. But anyways, I’m out, I don’t need stress in game and out of game. I won’t be switching from frost to fire because of all the hours I dumped farming stuff for the ember court. I’m just quitting. It’s not worth the stress coming last in my guild’s raid dps logs and debating how making a spec I like to play viable in content I like to play is important to me on the forums.

different pure specs have different niches. that’s why destro is better at cleave than demo is. they’re designed that way on purpose so you’ll switch between them. with ret you have your niche and that’s it. you can’t change it without rerolling. the strangest thing to me is that they see their other specs as a burden and a different class entirely. instead of realizing how much better we get to specialize because of the different niches we have.

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You don’t need to justify yourself, you are having a conversation on a forum. Forums are for discussion. Spend your mental energy on coming up with rebuttals to his argument and not being offended with the fact that he disagrees with you.

So what niche does frost have at the moment?

What’s strange is mage isn’t a class that is limited by gear, right? Like for example an Arms Warrior vs a Fury Warrior? Couldn’t they just as easily swap specs gearwise?

They’re doing p dang well in PVP atm.

Probably because Mages have more defenses than so called hybrid specs that last few expansions .

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A stacking buff that gives brainfreeze would be nice. Either that or frost bolt gives haste until you get the brainfreeze proc.

the thing is int is stronger than any secondaries right now and ilevel is king. so other than their legendaries they can wear exactly their highest ilevel gear for any spec and be fine, yeah

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This entire thread is so weird to me. If I saw a post about warriors needed a PVE buff I wouldn’t run in there and say NONONNONONO you don’t need a buff because both warrior specs are out perform frost mage. Instead I would agree that warriors need a buff and thats about it.

And no, mages can’t just switch, you need to switch covenant, and get a new gear set because frost is crit second and fire has no benefit from crit, making frost gear terrible for fire spec. Please don’t just make stuff up.

Also I don’t know what arena you’re in but frost are absolute garbanzo in arena. Literally no one plays it.


There is only one frost mage in the top 100 3vs3 bracket and 3’s is supposedly their niche atm.

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the reason they knee capped secondaries is so int and ilevel would be most important. that’s literally why it was done. put on your highest ilevel pieces and gg.

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