Mages need serious love

I guess fire being top damage in m+ by a large margin isnt enough for you smelly mages. go find something else to cry about, your damage isnt something you should be complaining about. (if anything, you should be more worried about what blizz is going to nerf first)

this is a thread full of frost mages who refuse to play fire. telling them fire is good is just going to make them angry.


This thread is full of people who lack critical thinking skills and think everyone should do just as they say and then get upset when they have different opinions.

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they are just salty that frost was being hyped as the best dps spec for mages on the beta, and now its not.

Again, NO ONE is saying that all 3 specs need to be top tier, hell I don’t care if NONE of the mage specs are top dps, all we are asking for is that our BOTTOM specs the ones that are underperforming by a noticable margin, get a little bit of balancing to bring them in line with the AVERAGE of other specs… that literally it.

same with every other class and spec thats under performing, we aren’t saying they need to be buffed massively or made overpowered, just brought up to be in line with the majority of other specs.

it got how many nerfs though during beta and at no point did they think “hmmm… maybe frost isn’t gonna be as good as i hope.”

they aren’t mages apparently. they’re frost mages. and they want to be buffed so they can have their rp choice also be their raiding choice.

i keep getting attacked by people because i’m trying to explain things to them that they don’t like.

And? What’s so bad about that? What do you have against it happening? When did balancing classes ever have a negative effect?

i asked him the question i did the way i did for a reason. and he responded. some of the mages in this thread do think pures should do more damage just because. he doesn’t think that though.

you know who thinks that “pure” dps classes should do more damage than hybrids? rogues, mages, hunters, and warlocks. if you don’t see the pattern thats on you.

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do you think i’m going to keep explaining things to you when all you do is attack me?

no, your getting attacked because your entire argument is “we don’t need to balance anything because SOME specs are fine, stop crying about being under powered, just play something that isn’t underpowered”

I mean by that logic, why even bother with balancing classes at all, after all, thats a lot of work and there ARE some classes that are good right now. so lets just re-roll to unholy dk, boomkin and mm hunter right? I mean if it doesn’t matter that some specs underperform, why should it matter that some classes underperform?


What do you think will happen if said pure dps classes got the same utility as you people?

Like spammable self heal? Ooh wouldn’t that be nice for you


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^ say it louder for the people in the back

i’m arguing that a 1 dps spec class should have priority over a 3 dps spec class assuming 1 spec of the pure class is doing well. but apparently that makes me satan.

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Lol, unlike you attacking everyone that dares to voice the opinion that they aren’t happy with their spec? You can’t answer because you don’t have an answer. Balancing classes and specs is always a positive, that why blizzard do tuning passes in the first place.


i did just answer someone else. i’m done with you though because you’re not debating constructively. you’re personally attacking me and i don’t have to deal with it.

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Nobody is attacking anybody. Calm the hell down.

Nobody told you to be quiet, you are placing his argument in a false framework, which dishonestly warps the perception of this conversation.

OP summed up really well… Mage, an ONLY DPS spec is doing worse than everybody else, in most of the game’s content. The only one that seems good is Fire in M+.
But again, 3 DPS specs…

okay, cool, go start a thread about which class you think needs some attention and buffs and I will come and support your arguments in favor of it, but this thread is about the mage specs that need attention.


All you have to do is explain why good class balance is bad. Thats why no one is agreeing with you, because its an absurd statement.

Also, lol @ the paladins in this thread. If I had a guess which class would agree with you it would be paladins.