Mages need serious love

Asking for any semblence of balance though is not an unresonable request in the slightest. It’s not just frost it’s quite a few specs. Hell i even said fury needs love too lol

if blizz wanted balance it would exist. as i said they’ve propped up certain specs with aura buffs before. they could do it with everyone if they wanted but they chose not to. like they want frost dks to dual wield so they dumpstered 2h in pre patch so dw would be better. they know exactly what they’re doing.

Your faith in Blizz is touching but funny. They don’t know their a$$ from a hole in the ground when it comes to balancing and never have. Aura buffs are bandaids for when they are stumped and can’t figure it out.

do you know what having 3 pieces with explosive potenital did for demo? if we had had an interrupt we’d have been meta for most of bfa’s mythic+ cycle. but they didn’t want us to. they gave us the interrupt AFTER we didn’t have access to it anymore and are not as strong now. that wasn’t an accident. we could’ve gotten our stun also having an interrupt on it in bfa. they don’t want demo to be good.

That’s the borrowed power mechanics i was saying they will never be able to balance. Witholding an ability cause they screwed up the math. There are simulations that can run this stuff to the point they can squeeze it down to 1% variance but they won’t. Now i will exclude bugs and unintended synergys cause no one can forsee everything but the math should be accurate and it don’t lie. Hell they could’t even balance covenants well. Some got lucky and got 2 that were close but some have only 1 good one that vastly outshines the rest.

Perhaps because people want to play the way they want to and not the way you and blizzard think they should? I mean frost is a spec right? Why put it in the game if it’s just going to be trash 24/7? To make people see Jaina and go ‘oh wow I want to be a frost mage like Jaina’ and then when they go to raid they find out it’s just like throwing slushy snowballs around? What’s strange is that you’ve posted over 10 times trying to tell other people how they should play the game and that they should just give up as if it’s all inevitable, as if Blizzard don’t have the control and ability to do a better job balancing classes. Afterall we pay $15 a month, we should be able to expect more especially since other free to play mmo’s are doing a better job at balancing.


if you don’t like borrowed power you don’t like current wow. complaining about it is pointless.

i’ve been trying to tell them they don’t deserve 3 top tier spec because they rolled a pure class. all classes deserve at least one viable mid pack spec. if you don’t have that then complain. also frost for a long time was a pvp spec. remember those?

edit they could give fury a mortal strike as well but there’s a reason only arms gets it. just sayin

I see, so we can only expect a low bar then according to you, no better than one spec in a decent position, no less no more. Don’t you see that’s the bar you set, your opinion and not others opinion? People that invested all their time in their ember court can just throw it away and change specs to whatever blizzard has decided deserves to be viable at the current time.


Which is why i’ve been telling people it’s a doomed system yet Blizzard keeps rehashing it. What kind of company willingly sets themselves up to fail over and over. People keep coming back for new xpacs expecting them to learn and grow but ultimately end up pissed cause they won’t. That’s why subs skyrocket at beginning of xpac and tank within 3 months after. I’ve already decided to let my sub lapse after it runs out in 20 days. Think i might go play D2 again since Beyond Light is out. Wishing Lost Ark would hurry the hell up and get here…

i’ve played this warlock since cata. since then the vast majority of the time affliction has been BiS in pvp and pve. destro is sometimes decent in one or the other. demo is not good at anything for the most part. since cata. do you think i just am going to forget that and wish upon a star that eventually demo will be in affs position because i like it most?

So? no one cares about your anecdotal experience, they want to play the spec they want to play and have it viable. Just because warlock has a certain history doesn’t mean other people can’t expect more.

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check logs. it’s not anecdotes. fire is almost always the best mage spec once they get the stats to be. that’s the way wow works. you can check logs for every raid in the game. go look at them and see the same specs at the top all the time.

‘That’s the way wow works’. It doesn’t mean we have to shut up and like it. We have every right to voice our opinions and you coming on here telling everyone to be quiet because ‘that’s the way it is’ and ‘warlocks and mages always been like this’ ain’t going to stop people from wanting to play the way they want to play. If the dev’s don’t want to accommodate it then well, there are plenty of other games to play.


Your arguing that balance is a bad thing because you play a underpowered class? Your obsession with not balancing mages is actually baffling. There’s a reason every raid has only 1 mage.

There are alot of underperforming classes, why would not buff them? I’m all for buffing destro, fury, and assassin , as well as frost and arcane. There is literally no reason to no try to balance classes other than your obsession with playing a garbage spec. That’s on you, don’t force that onto other classes.

You have legitimately the worst takes I’ve ever seen. Did a mage gank you or something?


all specs are viable. but only certain specs are consistently optimal. that’s the thing. you can want all you’d like but logs over the course of over a decade show a pattern that doesn’t change.

i have a better spec i’m switching to when i decide to raid. they do too. they’re the ones crying that they’re not optimal playing a trash spec. i know to switch to aff and will gladly do it when the time comes.

I ain’t going to wait around, like I said, there are plenty other good games to play. I ain’t giving blizzard good money just so they can pick and choose and play favourites with specs.

if all 3 mage specs are top tier at once that’s balanced to you? or all 3 warlock specs? or all three hunter specs? when you play a pure class this is just what happens. there’s only so many top spots. you have pures arguing that hybrids should automatically do less dps. do you agree with that? do you think all hybrids should be forced to tank or heal for pure classes and not dps? because if none of those specs do competitive dps they don’t get to dps in groups.

It’s about dps spread. If someone were the lowest dps and the spread was only 5% then it wouldn’t be at all terrible. The spread at the moment is very large. Hybrid tax I couldn’t give a hoot about. I just want the classes balanced, not someone doing 1k more dps because they are a different class on raid boss fights.