Mages need serious love

you got time warp and a caster buff to carry you through raids my dude. you don’t need top dps as all 3 specs on top of it. hybrids lost everything that made them a hybrid to do equal dps.

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They have heals, stuns, pets ect you dont know what youre talking about

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and we aren’t asking for “top dps” we’re asking for our underperforming specs to get just a little attention to bring us up to parity with the other middle of the pack specs, exactly the same attention that the other 5 underperforming specs got, thats it.


i mained a pally until it was literally gutted so they could do competitive dps. it’s a shell of it’s former self. i am now a warlock because not only is it less stressful from tanking i am a class that can literally melee the boss with my staff and still have my raid spot justified because of the utility i bring. i wanted to be a utility class and i am again. just not as a pally.

The problem is no matter what someone has to be at the bottom right? For once seeing Mages be mid to low tier is kind of refreshing. Not because I’m cynical but because I think it’s cool to see things like for once, Feral being at the top. Like that’s insane to me and I think that’s awesome.

you have 3 dps specs. one is really good. two are not. switch to the good one. the classes with only one dps spec should get priority. as i said earlier you didn’t roll a frost mage. you rolled a mage.

At this point youre just trolling


Feral deserves to be top tier dps. Highest skill ceiling in the game. I don’t touch feral cause i know i can’t play it good enough. Wish i could. Love it’s mobility+utility.

no. my wife wants me to raid with her eventually and i’ve already told her i’ll switch to aff to do it cuz we’re gonna push heroic. i am not gonna play demo when it’s usually the worst spec when i’m trying to kill bosses. i am a warlock. not a demo warlock… i will continue to play demo in the world and anywhere else that isn’t competitive content. because i am a warlock and that’s what we do.

The devs created a design that does not encourage that mentality. Ex. Conduits

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I have to disagree. A good mage has insane amounts of survivability in the right hands. its just not as simple as click this and be healed like some classes and I have only given frost its full go so I can’t speak fully on other specs. As frost you have ice barrier, alter time which used right is an amazing ability, cc to keep space, slows to keep space, mirror images to provide for some reduction, 2 blinks and if things get bad you have ice block (look for conduit to heal 70% while in ice block and cold snap to do it all again. Mages have some of the best survivability in the game right now so I would be scared to see that if it improved. Arcane from what I hear has even more survivability than frost on top of that. Damage I could see some tuning but outside of that I wouldn’t expect much.

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this is true, however its about how large that disparity gap is. if the bottom tier spec is only 1% below the average, no big deal, but if the bottom spec is 5% below the average that starts becoming a bigger matter.

right now both frost and arcane stick out as being considerably below the average, same as the other 5 classes that got adjusted this week, heck I wouldn’t even care if that adjustment ment we where STLL bottom of the pack so long as the gap got narrowed a little bit.

so are you also arguing that this change needs to be reverted then?

  • [ With regional restarts ] Chaos Bolt damage increased by 22%.

after all, affliction was doing really good, so clearly destruction didn’t NEED that buff, and all warlocks should have just switched to affliction right?


Anyone whose been playing Feral all this time in PvE, this is their time to shine. I’ve personally thought about playing it as an alt, but I’m too attached to my Hunter to branch out. Only way I would is if I joined a Mythic guild and wanted to be able to fill multiple roles.

Maybe if all you do is quest

I think they feel embarrassed about how powerful Mages (specifically Fire) were for the past 9 months in Ny’alotha.

they drop regardless of your loot spec as legendary stuff does as well. you have access to everything that has ever dropped for your class. i purchased 2 good ones off the conquest vendor for demo and destro and will pick up the aff one later this week once i do some more bgs.

Fire always comes out on top. Usually it’s later in xpac once crit values get much higher though. Seeing them do well already… They gonna get adjusted later for sure.

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if a 1 dps spec class was left in the gutter and destro got buffed instead yes i’d say that is total crap and a waste of time. i’d even say it if demo was buffed and say… ww wasn’t.

everyone knows this except the people who play other mage specs, apparently.

Plus fire mages are super cute :slight_smile:

TBH I feel like Fire Mages should be doing the most damage. Like woohoo some warrior can hit you with a boofy axe, or you can get set on fire! Mwahahaha! Also I think that Destruction Warlocks should be doing crazier damage than they are.