Mages need serious love

Mages are fine

In M+ you’ll be hard pressed to find a better class than Fire Mage. Proper use of combustion combined with the Night Fae covenant has easily lead to 6k+ overall and 30k-40k burst in M+ at sub-200 ilvl.

Arcane with the bombardment legendary is super fun in Mythic+

yeah and fire is only “good” in m+ right? oh wait its the top dps spec in m+ by a mile lol. kinda like how DH’s are really bad right now at everything except m+ tanking but you dont see them crying everywhere.

Frost is THE worst spec according to logs.

Not sure where you got your data.

I don’t think people are complaining about not being #1, they are mad at the gap from top dps to bottom dps.

If you look it’s around 30-40%, that’s a massive difference.

People that are mad about mages complaining are trying to change the narrative about what they are ACTUALLY complaining about, like yourself.

Legit just browsed DH forums and most of the havoc topics are complaints on their spec underperforming.

Nice try tho!

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Long live our kitty overlords!!

Pretty sure Dokthar is a straight up troll. He goes into every mage complaint thread and spams strawman arguments that no mages are making.

I mean dokthar is right. Last time demo was meta?? Xd shamans in bfa 8.0??? HAHAH. Anyway. For shaman its always resto shaman and for warlock its either aff usually or destro. So welcome to the tier everyone else is at i guess? :man_shrugging: I love how lock and shaman players don’t even blink when we get nerfed anymore. We just got a nerf too.

Are you not keeping up with the mythic race? They’re stacking mages and warlocks. Bad mages are parsing poorly, but good mages are doing great.

Stop looking at the overall and look at the top 100 parses.

Bad mages need to L2P is the problem. Too many mages that are complaining that they can’t just faceroll their way to the top of the meters.

If mages can have the representation they have in the top parses then obviously the possibility to top the meters is there 
 it’s just not being handed to you on a silver platter.

yeah, and those classes could use some love as well. but this thread isn’t about those other specs, its about mages.

except we AREN’T at the tier everyne else is at, we are substantially undertuned (other than fire), hence why we are asking for the exact same tuning changes that the other underperformers got.

I tried, there AREN’T even 100 arcane or frost parses TOTAL for mythic.

I mean I guess ur right but we are saying is usually when our main specs get deleted from earth we have to play resto sham, whether we like it or not. :man_shrugging: If they buff u guys cool but knowing blizzard who knows. We aren’t disagreeing with u, just tell u how it is for the rest of us. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, Frost utility and AE is perfectly fine, its just their single target DPS which is in the toilet. Just bump the damage on Frost Bolt by a non-trivial margin (nothing else needs to change) and the whole spec would be just perfect.

Except that’s not reality.

Logs show you frost is THE worst spec atm.

Not sure how you want people to make numbers appear that can’t be reached.

The logs literally show this, if you’re trying to say the opposite then show actual data that backs up your claims.

Don’t bring your feels into this.

The fact is frost is dead last on logs. My data is public. Go to logs, click on the raid, click on statistics.

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What are you talking about, top parsing frost mages aren’t coming close to other specs dmg. We can try all we like, get a perfect rotation going, the damage just isn’t there.

Personally I pulled off a 95% parse on Sunking as frost mage and I was still in the lower third of the dps. I tried to do the 4 mythic dungeons today but my single target damage was so low in a 5 man group even with the frostburn legendary I’m not going to impose it on pugs anymore. This means I won’t keep up with the group even so I’m going to quit raiding too. I’ve cancelled my sub. I’m all out.

Edit: For the devs if you ever read this. AOE is clunky as anything. I cast blizzard and then I get a few ice lances off or a flurry and two ice lances and then I need to cast blizzard again. All the while the tank is yanking the adds out of blizzard and my frost orb. It’s like bailing water out of a sinking ship.

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If the design is that we should be switching to whatever spec is the best they should tell us ahead of time which will be best this tier OR make it easy to swap between specs. Right now if you want to change you have to swap covenants and craft another legendary or two. A lot of the outrage right now is people poured their time into frost. They vent venthyr and crafted 2 legendaries, now if you want to go fire you have to swap to night fae and craft another legendary and lose all your covenant progress.

I also kinda hate playing fire

I’d appreciate it if we frosties weren’t so highly dependent on procs.