Mages need serious love

So your point is that they shouldn’t even try to tune and balance it? And if you made your legendary in the 2nd week, as many people did, because it’s the spec we wanted to play, we should just uninstall and unsubscribe because we should never expect balance? Okay work.

I think if you put glacial spike back as the talent of choice on the last row by fixing the nonsense that caused only flurry and ice lance to be beneficial, it would help Frost a lot. I have still been playing GS myself because the other style is just the absolutely most boring gameplay ever.

Not sure what this has to do with hybrid specs though, that went out the window years ago.

I said nothing of the sort. Not everyone can make a max rank leggo for 40k. Other armor classes aren’t as inexpensive. There are also people who bought tokens to make their legendaries because they didn’t have the gold. That wasn’t smart.

I’m glad I wasn’t one of all those mages who actually went all in on frost thinking it would be viable… I could see that disappointment coming a mile away.

On one hand you don’t want another 8.3 with mages literally overkilling everything and every single CD playing around the fire mage.

On the other it’s clear that they can’t balance so.

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thats cause your bad lol

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I’m a tank. Unless running mythic. My DPS does not need to be at the top. Mages are doing good. So maybe you are bad?

Look at the logs. If your being out dps’d by the worst class your bad sorry.


Tank is not a dps. I do not play DPS much. If i do I am usually second. Read I play Tank. A tank should never out dps anyone with exception of dh.

Dude the logs say frost is the worst. if they’re topping your charts your bad now shut up.

htt ps://

Unless your in a group of fury warriors.

Arcane mage is the third best spec in mythic raiding

oh now i understand what you are saying. Funny we arguing about two different things. You about dps in my group and me the mage dps. Opposie and sorry.

I agree with what he said, and I think it applies to pvp.

We must be looking at different logs if you think frost is middle of the pack. Fire is doing alright comparatively, it’s a solid middle of the pack. Frost however is at the bottom. If you do however have proof that’s not anecdotal about frost being middle of the pack in raids, please do send it. It’s not even about being top dps, I can easily settle for being lowest dps if the margin isn’t over a pretty 20%+ between highest and lowest.

My Arcane seems fine well unless we are talking about torg then it sucks
can’t even sit to eat in higher floors

Yes… You needed something?

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Sounds like someone got butt hurt by facts.

Shrugs at OP, my guild is almost 1/2 through heroic Castle Nath, fulled cleared on normal several times and we always have 1 mage near the top dps on pulls. I think he is fire, although I don’t know lol…

mage buffs… when Blizzard?

yeah there is something weird going on there that i’m still trying to figure out, arcane is bottom of the barrel in normal and heroic, yet is somehow doing well in mythic and I have no clue why.

but, in light of the recent change in parse status I WILL ammend my previous stance… I guess arcane DOESN’T need buffs after all (maybe), but frost DEF still does.

update to the update: yeah there is def something weird going on, since for mythic shriekwing there are less than 50 arcane kill parses total, and even the TOP arcane mage parse is only #781 overall, yet charts are showing them at the top… is weird.