Mages need serious love

You aren’t by anyone except your peers. There is only so many spots at the top though and it shouldn’t be all pure dps specs. Hybrids deserve to excel at their chosen role as well.

Judging by previous expansions, mages tend to scale better then hybrid classes with gear and especially later in tiers.

It’s also to early to tell where every class lands on this tiers damage rankings right now since majority of playerbase has not achieved the average ilvl for this tier yet or gotten their BIS legendary.

look, we’re not asking to be top dps, not at all. We just want enough buff to not be immediately kicked from raids or declined for mythic +. Mages need love, argue all you want.

Mid pack numbers aside (I’m good with that anyway) night fae fire with firestorm is a ton of fun right now

and basically no one in this thread has said that mage SHOULD be top dps, all we’re asking for is that our 2 weakest specs (which are both below average although frost is in far worse shape) be brought up to the average. in fact leave fire exactly where it is, its in a good spot, cuz we aren’t asking to be TOP dps in all 3 specs, or even ANY spec, you just keep trying to put those words in our mouths.

and no one has disagreed with you on that point, in fact most of us have pointed out numerous other classes that could use some love as well… but this thread isn’t about all those other classes, this is a thread about mages needing some attention since out of the 7 lowest ranked specs, our 2 where the only ones that got overlooked… all the others DID get buffs (although arguably not enough in some cases)

thats not why anyone has been “attacking you”

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If there was negligible difference between all specs, say 50 dps then everyone would be pretty ambivilant about being top, mid or bottom tier.

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Some of you are. There was one guy asking why hybrids were doing more damage than all 3 mage specs. More than one hybrid commented on it, not just me. You are only one mage I’m responding to. There are many others.

Except I was told how terrible I am for not crafting and recrafting a BiS legendary every time one is nerfed which is a few % damage compared to a lesser one. Do you think anyone will want to be the spec thats 1% behind?

I would be and I think most people would be too, it would be much better than how it is now, everyone would be free to play whatever they wanted without worrying.

On the demo page I am told to go night fae first and not necrolord even though necro is BiS overall because of a tiny increase to damage at the beginning of the tier. Icy veins told me this. Do you think in reality what you think would ideally happen would actually happen?

no, people called you out for your elitist attitude for saying “you should have just waited before crafting your legendary” like that matters at all with how much soul ash we get.

if every spec was within 1% of each other I don’t think you would hear many people complaining about it. what you might start hearing about is the disparity in survivability and self-healing vs dps, but until we actually get there… y’know… by buffing underperforming specs… like frost mages… we won’t know for sure.

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Yes of course, for instance, icy veins tells everyone what tier each class is in dps but everyone don’t choose the top currently. People enjoy playing different classes and balancing them makes every choice viable. What are you arguing for? Doing nothing and leaving them as they are and people unhappy? Of course it would be best if there were 0% difference in dps between classes but 1% is acceptable and certainly better than what we have now. Did you go night fae then? because if you didn’t it kind of proves my point.

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Were cloth. My tier 1 leggo i have in my bag cost me 600g. The one I bought my wife for her dh was 28k. For the BiS slot. Not everyone has it as easy as we do and are only worried about soul ash. It will cost me hundreds of thousands of gold to get her her max rank where it’ll cost my like 35k for mine. I have that gold. Not everyone does.

That’s what’s confusing me in this thread. Pure dps hasn’t really been a thing since Cata, when they gave them all heals and things like hero/lust.

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Please rephrase that.

oooh so we’ve hit the “won’t somebody think of the poors” part of your debate strategy.

but okay, lets take a look, BIS for havoc is collective anguish, its also a strong contender for vengeance, but veng requires multiple legendaries depending on content, and since you only mentioned needing 1 BIS i’m gonna assume its havoc.

collective anguish can go on wrists or back, now if you went the smart route and put it on a back piece, that would be 32k for the base, 9k for the 210, 28k for the 225 then 29k for the 235 (WRA prices since we’re on the same server)
so round about 100k not “hundreds of thousands” and only 28k if you jumped straight to the 225, which if you have been waiting for the mythic week nerfs like you claim, you should have PLENTY of soul ash to just make it outright. maybe even go straight to the 235.

now your covenant callings get you roughly 2k gold per day, so that 28k gold should only take about 2 weeks to earn then another 2 weeks to jump to the 235 which is about how long it will take to get the soul ash together, so its hardly going to break the bank of ANY player even if they are doing the bare minimum of just their daily callings.

Its not on WrA. Its alliance on a different server. I also didn’t state what spec it was either.

Ha ha ah, i needed a good laugh. mages are hoping DPS charts. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I bought the rank one a while back for the toon to get her to play alliance with me. Still not leveled. Still spent the gold.

Edit and I have to buy a totally different one now because she’s decided to level a kt bear instead. I’ll throw gold and money at her all I need to though. I’m sick of playing horde.

So much for not reporting people guys. Lol.