Mages need serious love

You poor thing! Have you wilted?


The troll becomes obvious when they troll a thread, get called out and then play victim.


Im not the one who is angry here my guy. More than one mage literally lost their crap because we don’t agree on something. If I was as mad as they apparently are you’d have some stuff to quote, but alas

Ok stop, you are aware the hybrid tax hasn’t been a thing in over a decade right?

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Im not trolling though. There was one post i had an issue with. I’ve spent hours here trying to debate constructively.

First mythic plus cleared with 2 fire mages.

You’re fine.

Literally? Wow, I hope they find it! Now I see why you want them punished. How dare they offend Karen before she’s had her soy latte?


Troll someone else. I’m done responding to you.

They are all frost mages and suggesting they could do better as fire is trolling. That’s the gist of this thread.

Are you really going to leave without apologizing to me?

I may have to report you to teach you some manners.

There is nothing constructive when saying “balance bad” over and over and over thats just trolling

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Don’t bother arguing with trolls. Just ignore what they post and move on, otherwise we’ll have the same cyclical argument ad infinitum.

It says a lot about someone when they spend hours upon hours of their time to prove how everyone else but them is wrong.

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That’s not what I said at all though. I said that purest 3rd specs shouldn’t be a balance priority over a classes only dps spec.

Wasn’t this your argument rather? You getting angry that frost mages don’t want to play fire like you think they should?

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Its not trolling to say that rolling a pure class isn’t an i win button for top dps and that all classes deserve at least one good spec.

Read the entire thread. Its full of me being attacked because I said they could switch to fire and do more dps. So lol?

Well then logically your argument isn’t that single dps specs need to come first if you are arguing that frost mages should just go fire…

If ww is bad dps they have to reroll entirely not just change specs.

you shouldn’t be forced to change specs because the one you like isn’t performing well.

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So how does that exclude frost mages from asking for more balance? It’s not either or. WW and ret are well placed at the moment and frost could be buffed without effecting them.