Mages need serious love

oh i’ve known he’s a troll for hours, i just have insomnia right now and making him rage and talk himself in circles is amusing to my sleep addled brain.

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Except im not raging at all my dude. This is pure comedy. We can all report each other over and over again in this thread and only some of us will get time outs for harassment. And remember disagreeing, even passionately, isn’t harassment.

I haven’t reported a single post, if you have been running around reporting people then that says a LOT about you.

in fact a quick skim of the thread doesn’t show ANY of your posts as having been flagged, so the fact that you would jump to that assumption feels a LOT like projection.


Reporting? why would you report if you didn’t care?

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Gosh ikr. He calls me a cow and I just laugh but he’s been reporting apparently.


I reported one post in this thread and it wasn’t yours. If you notice the one where someone went completely over the top with personal attacks you’ll know.

Edit and most of the time when I argue this late at night I wake up to some of my posts being deleted cuz people flag

Thank you forum cop. Without your dedicated service we would be exposed to other people’s thoughts and opinions. Gasp!

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There is a difference between having a difference of opinion and harassment. Though you probably don’t actually understand what “free” speech actually is.

This sounds like an insult and/or personal attack. Why are you harassing me for thanking you?

Here… have a cup of coffee. I put some soy milk in there for you.

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Im a woman. Attack me for that if you’d like but soy doesn’t have the same connotation for me that it does for a man.

You sound very pleasant. Is your name Karen?


No but it was my grandmothers name and the name id give any female child i have, to honor her. She was an amazing woman.

I’m sure she’d be proud of your crusade to travel around the online world reporting people who say naughty things.

You’re a modern Mother Thereasa.


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences and that amendment doesn’t protect you in any context outside of not going to jail for speaking against the government. :wink:

I feel like we should all go around in game and /hug every mage we see.

That’s right, and I’m glad you’re there to enforce your subjective rule.

Did you report yourself for insults and harassing me?

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Report me if you’d like. I stand behind the things I say. I also don’t pretend that me snarking someone won’t get me a forum ban.

So it’s ok for you to do it, but not others. Got it :joy:


I love the mental image this gives me.

Go quote every time I directly attacked someone venomously. I can quote quite a few mage posts that were directed at me though.