Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

Pet healing is stronger in wotlk, between glyph of mend pet and T5 2pc its a lot of healing, especially on a tank pet who gets bonus healing as well.

Im mot saying the pet will tank multiple mobs, but it should be able to survive 1 at a time.

I will let the people actually testing the beta know they are infact wrong.

I will let them know someone on the forums recalls it taking 25 hours, they are gonna be thrilled to hear it.

Even if this were true, I don’t see the problem. Mages have had 2+ years to be farming gods.

Poor mages, such sad.

and what pathing do mages in slab abuse that you feel so strongly that they shouldn’t be able to clear it anymore?

Ask who decided to nerf it.

I am asking you who want it to be nerfed.

How long was it where mages were the only class that could solo-level in a dungeon?

So Mages are still solo farming dungeons, what is your point now?

You’re actually slow, twitch is entertainment, they are not “testing” anything they are just pretending to do something for views, people eat that solo dung crap up, it’s not better xp than pure questing, the only person who is legit is lmgd1 and he’s a wrath Pserver vet, you’re clueless.

The game is 10+ year old expansion everything’s been figured out, people been playing wrath private servers for a decade, again you people are just zoomers watching twitch streamers, you have no idea what your talking about lol.

So where were you when I wanted to solo dungeons the past two expansions on my non mage alts? Silent. Because mages were the only ones that could reliably do such a thing. Now you can’t and you’re upset? You had your time to shine. Now because of the boosting community you are in timeout. Think about what you have done.

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They should just make soloing dungeons withing 5 levels of your level impossible. Like, literally you should just die if you even attempt it.

This community is disgusting.

tweenage elf histrionics aside, you’ll manage to hit Level 80 without facerolling UK on your Mage.

They probably just mad that they have to go fire now. Whole thread is pointless, looks like fire mages farm UK faster than anyone else.

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Oh for sure.

Just people so petty.

“Someone is not playing the way I play, must nerf”

Is essentially the comments.

Dont worry everyone I got the Beta and mastered the Utgarde Keep pulls as fire.

All is right in the world now, balance has been restored.

Mages are a cancer. Delete mages from the gamr

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That’s rude.