Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

It’ll be crowded on most servers. At least for several months.

Go fish, make feasts and sell it in the AH.

Mage chads already at work to figure a way around it

Fire mage Archetype Living Bro Utgarde Keep - YouTube


Doing gods work.

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What safe spot that bug mob path do mage use in slab?

Non-issue on fresh servers / if your idea of fun is to level by doing the same NPCs over and over again more power to ya, I’d rather do the quests

Pre-80 stuff in the video

nobody cares. Game starts at 80

I feel like if a Prot Warrior can solo packs of mobs and a Fire Mage is doing all this without the need of safe spots, at what point do we realize it would probably be easier and faster to just go in with a normal group?

Blizzard got tired of you spamming Blizzard.

So in like full-bis t6 gear a prot warrior can solo farm Utgarde Keep at a rate of a little over 2 XP bubbles per ~15 minutes. Call it 2 bubbles per 14 minutes just for the sake of argument.

14 minutes x 10 runs = ~140 minutes or 2.33333 hours per level

Questing looks to be about 2-3 hours per level depending on how focused you are and it doesn’t require t6 bis gear.

I don’t see the issue here.

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A mage can kill all the mobs in ~2 mins and finish 5 runs in no time. Then they can go quest until their lockout is up and come back and do it again.

Mages deserve the nerf.

It takes other classes a lot longer to kill the mobs.


Questing is not 2-3 hours a level.

Fast 70-80 is around 40 hours which is around 4 hours a level and that’s on the fast side.

750k xp hour is insane.

Good thing that you’re not talking about slave pens, right.

You should be glad tanks will level faster.
They will be geared to carry you in the dungeons.

Reading all the comments in this thread, I conclude that 90% of you never played WOTLK and are mostly zoomers or young 20s that only played retail, it doesn’t take 40+ hours to go from 70-80, it’s incredibly fast via questing, we usually do 25 hours going at a casual but informed pace.

Most people that are experienced with wrath via their time during 2009 retail or pservers, are not going to sit there killing couple mobs in UK for exp lol, you guys realize it’s just streamers/youtube creators finding any silly thing to make a video on for profit and clicks right?

not sure why people are freaking out, there is not much boosting you can do in wotlk anyways, just solo gold farms that most classes at 80 will be able to do anyway.

people just so lazy, why do you guys play mmos if you don’t want to level or quest, especially a classic mmo, makes no logical sense.

i can almost guarantee that the first 80 will be someone on EU solo questing that knows the route and is fresh in knowledge.


I doubt your pet is gonna be able to survive. Warrior in the video is only able to survive because he has insane avoidance. The moment he got stunned he almost died from not avoiding anything for a few seconds.

and this is completely false but it’s ok, I think there is a high chance you’re just repeating what you heard from some random streamer.

exactly these videos are from the viewpoint of players in full last TBC phase bis gear, full sunwell/bt gear.

I am.

Feel free to cite your sources.

actually playing the game myself with the knowledge of 10 years of only playing wrath, no one takes 40 hours to hit 80 via questing, it’s the fastest method to 80, no dung grinding or “solo dung” silly stuff is going to outdo someone questing to 80.

fastest x1 1-80 is around 19 hours, average player more like 25+ hours via pure questing, it’s the quickest method.