Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

I’ll 5-box in my hunter squad and make a video for the OP. That should calm him right down.

Maybe you missed the title, it said Solo.

Thanks but I can already do it as fire now.

Took 90 minutes to get the pulls down.

What level are you and how sustainable is it?

I’m genuinely curious how fast it can be done solo as opposed to in a group.

If what you can do in 15 minutes can be done in 5 with a full group than I think they should remove the 5 instance per hour limitation they have because it shouldn’t be more beneficial to do group content solo.

I was doing all three pulls in about 10 minutes including looting.

It’s actually insane experience.

The first pull alone is 88k in about 2 minutes.

Bring some repair bots to sell inside the dungeon along with getting more consumables if you need

But to be truly efficient you will finish the runs in about 30 minutes and then go quest for 30 minutes.

You will basically level every 2 hours to about two and a half if you’re slower.

What a cope

I don’t think you know what that word means.

What a cope is copium

Don’t even waste your time.

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