Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

Actual Joke. Its ok tho cuz mages cant farm dungeons for gold anymore or solo level but everyone else can!!

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I’m watching em farm it right now what are you talking aboot

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He means after the boost nerfs.

Aren’t the boost nerfs already in beta?

Title says “everyone”…but that’s a lie & you know it.
Warlocks can’t either.
Priests/Rogues/Shamans/…pretty much no one else can, perhaps with 1 exception of Ret/Prot paladin.

Mages were AoE gods for 2 expansions and it was heavily abused.
Thank botters and RMT’ers for all of that.

Looking at all the crits, I’d eye ball ~4k dps. That’s actually insane. Prot paladins will not be able to pull such numbers imho.

I personally don’t care, as it does not really affects me, as I don’t really care what others enjoy/prefer doing in the GAME, and if they farm lotta gold/mats, prices go down, so it’s like a win-win. Just putting the rationale behind the decision.


No they aren’t.

Don’t worry other classes don’t need them

It’s impressive, but I think it’s a bit misleading overall. The gear isn’t shown, but I’m guessing he’s in BiS Sunwell/BT gear - which is massively overpowered compared to what people are expected to have in the entry level dungeon. Try taking a BiS geared warrior into normal Steamvault right now and see how easy it is - and even easier with WotLK talents.

But as you level up, there won’t be any gear improvements until at least L80 heroic dungeons so doing this kind of clearing will get harder and harder.

Contrast this to mage kiting where they don’t get hit so can do it in green/blue gear just fine.


i mean, surely not SV… maybe ramps

Point is there is no boosting here, yet it’s still being nerfed while other classes can do it.

… why would there be widespread boosting/farming on the Beta?

There is clearly a difference between mage boosting and this one.

He is not pulling massive pack of mobs, it require to be very well geared, you are still hit by mobs, he is not kitting them during several minutes, he is not exploiting mobs’s pathing etc…


As a mage main I’m kinda glad for the nerf. Everyone and their mom has a mage alt just for the aoe. Hopefully this will weed out a lot of those people. On a side note, pallies are gonna be the new mages :rofl:

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I feel like something is off, the scaling maybe?

And every single mob was level 70. I feel if there had been a few 71s mixed in with the packs it wouldn’t be as easy.

What’s wrong with a T6 geared Arms/Prot Warrior that actually kill mobs normally? Tanks specs have decent dps in Wrath so expect tanks to solo more stuff from now on.

What?? So only tanks can tank stuff? THE HUMANITY!!

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i don’t see the warrior pulling half the dungeon trash in one pull, can’t believe your complaining for this


Truly this is a disaster, quadruply-so because it directly impacts a Hunter w/ Thori’dal. Greek tragedies pale in comparison to this most epic injustice.

( yes, yes, I know you have a Mage )

You can always count on “the player community” to ruin the spirit of any game.

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I almost always play the wizard type in RPGs but I haven’t played mage in Classic because of the exploitative nature of the class. Mages need AoE nerfing. Honestly with how much the class has been abused, I wouldn’t mind scrubbing it from the game entirely.


Warriors don’t need BiS to use Revenge :slight_smile:

“classes” implies plural. We’ll see what people figure out, but it seems (as perhaps no surprise to anyone) that warriors are the BiS trash tanks for WotLK, and have some decent solo farms available.

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