Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

So because a Warrior can a paladin and a death Knight can that’s everybody everybody show me a video of a shadow Priest Or a warlock Show me a video of a fire mage doing this then.

If you’re taking a very specific example in saying that’s everybody That’s not the same thing and I’m willing to bed even if they can sow it they couldn’t do it as efficiently as a mage could or as fast.

Speaking only for myself, I’d rather just tank multiple Nexus runs than solo one pack at a time, even if soloing does yield higher XP/hour.

OP, it’s not a problem if multiple classes can farm these dungeons. Just so long as mage isn’t one of them.

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I mean I think it’s more the fact that majors pull it to such a ridiculous amount you know what I mean because the reality is that a Warrior couldn’t go in and do that without decent gear a mage doesn’t have that limitation.

I mean even as a paladin you can’t farm Strat without at least some decent gear maybe you can have 2 or 3 greens but still

It is cringey.

I’m sorry but you can’t run away from what you’re actually arguing here: you’re mad Mages got their capacity of pulling whole dungeon and killing it vs tanks pulling some groups of mobs and soloing it.

They were always able to do it on WoTLK because of how tanks work.

If you don’t understand how tanks work, you should at least think twice before posting something so cringe like this.

This is the first round of beta testing. Hopefully adjustments will be made.

I will likely be levelong in instances solo on my hunter for a few levels. Considering my gear it wont be hard. A mix between kiting and pet tanking with traps will be op.

Combine glyph of mend pet for bonus pet healing and the t5 2pc to make my damage heal the pet and it wont be hard.

Waiting on a beta inv to test it out and optimize it.

Lvl 80 hunters were able to solo lvl 70 raid content as a gold farm even in wotlk, so…

You don’t have to aoe fat blobs of mobs to get XP. I didn’t even do this on my mage. I just killed mobs 1 at a time like any other class.

Oh look, yet another video of a BiS-geared tank not dying to mobs in an entry-level, normal mode dungeon.




oh nyoo, little mage main in process for wrath annoyed he won’t be able to pull a whole dungeon by himself :sob:


Manure is right (as usual).

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Their are still plenty of open world AoE farm for mages in WOTLK. Especially if you’re a tailor, theres this area in solazar basin that has high density humanoids. Cloth heaven.

Tanks killing 2-3 mobs at at time on pull (almost dying) = Mages pulling whole dungeon and Aoeing them with clever usage of safe spots that will bug the mobs path.

I am convinced now.

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Is this a patch were we had the stacking attack power buff on tanks? That was a fun time.

It was added in Cataclysm. It was so much fun to out DPS damage dealers as a tank.

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Hunter soloing UK is confirmed doable with good gear.

And thats without using pet tanking, lol.

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This is why we need our Mage papa, Ghostcrawler, back. He protected us. He loved us. He cared for us.


Some good news for you: I’ve been recently shown a video of a mage farming UK on the beta and killing more mobs faster and with less gear than the warrior in that video.

Gonna be another expac launch of mages outracing everyone again unless something gets nerfed.

Yeah, that won’t be crowded at all.

Well, thats a mega server problem, not a mage problem.