Mages cant Solo Level in UK but everyone else can, thanks Blizzard!

are you going to buy me unlimited food/water to compensate ? :pleading_face:

This is perfectly fine though, since it’s not a mage.

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This is all fine.

Mage doing it? Hell naw!

This thread is a perfect example of how people struggle with comparisons and can’t tell the difference between Apples and Oranges.


Mages are the most annoying class. They singlehandly destroyed classic and tbc economies with their pathing abuse and boosting farms.

Delete mages from the game.


Blizzard could of added a level gap feature to dungeons, if youre 10 lvls below someone in the dungeon no XP.

They chose not to.

Yeah they chose the superior option and that was to nerf the imbalanced thing that only one class can do which is creating a problem.

Funny how nobody demanded the un nerfed version of Fear to be put back into game during classic and you are all complaining over your mage nerf.

Just be thankful you got to exploit your mechanics for two thirds of classic and get over it. Nobody who plays any of the other classes cares, in fact we are all laughing at you guys right now. :rofl:


There’s already multiple videos of other classes doing these things in the Beta

Which is why the real solution is dealing with bots, gold sellers, and gold buyers. Not nerfing one class. The bots and gold sellers always find a way.

And people pointing at SoM as proof this defeats bots fail to realize gold selling isn’t going on there because there’s no freaking players. Without customers, a business doesn’t exist. But it will continue to be an issue in Wrath.


Looks like a bandaid fix to me. Worse yet, a bandaid on the wrong wound.

nErF tAnKs IcAnT sOlO tHiNgS wItH mY mAgE aNyMoRe

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Dude you should be a politician.


But proceeds to only post Prot Warrior

I got you boo.


Its in beta still im sure their will be more calm down.

Point still stands tho.

This class cant do it but these classes can!

Yall hella petty.

Yes tanking a few mobs at a time is exactly the same as pulling half the instance slowing them and using AoE + pathing exploits to kill them all at once.

totally the same hurr hurr :upside_down_face: wakka wakka


This thread isnt about pulling full dungeons, it isnt even possible in wotlk yet.

The point of the thread was nerfing solo farms.

Pls try to keep up.

Tanks were always more “powerful” than trash mobs because of the nature on how WoTKL bosses work.

Changing this will make heroics harder, and thus less tanks available.

What are you going to do next, saying that DKs are OP because they heal themselves and can solo things?

Come on. All of this because you’re re-rolling mage next exp.

Dude I’ve lapped you like five times at this point. I’m literally chilling in the stands with your family drinking the victory champagne waiting for you to finish the first lap.

Its irrelevant what im doing.

Nerfing something becasue of what they can do but allow others to do it and thats fine?