Mages are the worst class at Torghast and beta testers failed us

the triple barrier anima is amazing , add 40% to that (or more) and u are inmortal lol


the mirror image when blink never worked for me :frowning:

Mages are ok. Just use a water elemental, and it’s enough to go pack by pack. Completed 2 Layers (both entrances) at lvl 148. Layer 3 was rough, thus I have been farming better gear for another try. Make or buy healing potions, flasks, food, etc. Reasonably easy in compare to Visions (in my opinion - I dont like timed events).

No, that’s by far the easiest boss in there. No wonder you had an easy time. Cromwell is a Ventyr caster (which means he cannot be kited) with a nuke on a cooldown much lower than counterspell AND he has an uninterruptible AoE ability that has a huge range, you literally have to be max casting range to avoid. You have no choice but to eat half of his nukes and can only avoid the uninterruptible ability if you lucked out and got the anima trait that causes fire blast to knock targets up in the air (or talent into Super Nova which is a huge DPS loss that you can’t really afford).


It was broken if you had Arcane Momentum. They have since hot fixed it. And yeah, we all know which anima powers are the bees knees but there is no guarantee that you will get any of them as it is purely RNG based. There in lies the problem.

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Well, I’m still fairly confident that everything there is doable. I know mages far below my mage in ilvl who still manage to do stuff. I had many repeat runs because I trying to find the champion to join my covenant for table missions and got a string of crappy anima powers and still managed

Of course it is, I never claimed otherwise. There just shouldn’t be such a drastic disparity in the level of difficulty based solely on RNG elements that a player has no control over. A system that will span the entire length of the expansion and be mandatory should reward players for the time and dedication they put into the game based on their gear and skill level not a roll of the dice.


I just cleared an Upper Reaches layer 3 Synod boss at ilvl 149, but I have no idea how it compares to some of the other bosses people faced. The first three floors kept giving me underwhelming powers. Near the end my luck changed and a few good powers became available. I’m not sure I would have survived if not for that early 142k Arcane Blast.

The luck of the draw for available powers does not feel good.


The boss definitely matters. Just did my second run through. The boss was down real quick on first try. The difficulty compared to the first boss
 well it just wasn’t comparable. It was a walk in the park.

Which is frustrating.

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So today I cleared the final 2 levels. My ilv170. Though honestly I don’t think ilv makes that big a diff at this point.

A tip that I found completely changed things for me. Farm the entire run. Every mob and urn. Get all the stat buffs benefits and by the time I got to the boss I wrecked him. Was so much easier. It was slower because I had to clear all floors but totally worth it. Might work for you too.


Yes and no, you could clear the entire layer from top to bottom and still not get the right anima powers, happened to me more than once. That’s the thing about rng.

Also pro tip: you don’t need to destroy urns like a madmen only ones that are larger and have the same grayish glow as anima cells contain them. The reason this matters is because there is an anima power that can buff your next ability per urn you break to deal up to 1000% more damage and if you get it you will want to go back and destroy all the urns.

The very fact that you might have to rely on something as gimmicky as that in order to have a successful run is a clear testament to how terribly the whole thing was designed. I really hope that once more people inevitably encounter a “nightmare” scenario in there rather than the breeze they lucked into this week they will sound off and Blizz might fix the rng madness that is Torghast.

It’s sad that that’s what it will take because I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy to have to go through that frustrating ordeal but alas people don’t learn until they get burned for themselves. At least I will rest easy knowing that I warned them regardless of whether or not they choose to listen.


See the issue with your argument is this: you think you need “right” anima powers to clear Torghast. When really, there’s no “right” anima power. You can make them all work depending on how you adjust your skills/abilities. I find it impossible to believe you completed runs without a single relevant “Epic” or “Rare” power being offered to you.

The second thing, you’re playing a game where luck has played a part for the longest part, for both relevant content (like your luck with dungeon/raid drops) or
irrelevant content (like leveling up a side profession or hunting rares for mounts, etc.). It’s part of the game.

Every single class relies on anima powers to solo Torghast. It seems your complain is coming down to “I’m not getting the anima powers I want, and that’s annoying me because I don’t want to adjust my playstyle”

But take heart in the fact that you can eventually get items from Venari that give you better odds at anima powers.

Truth be told, Torghast is way more engaging and challenging than horrific visions ever were because once you had the route for horrific visions and the required ilvl/damage, you could basically rinse and repeat it all the time with the only things changing being the affixes per two weeks (since you swap between Org/SW each week) - which were completely nullified by your ilvl and the ability to just brute force your way through. It was absolutely a brain dead grind to get your gem sockets. That was indeed a horrible design.

Honestly, I’m a competitive PvE player, but if a game drove me to this level of insanity I’d step back and go for some ice-cream/coffee and a break. Maybe you’re overthinking it. Don’t forget you’re playing a game. If it’s breaking you down like this, is it really worth playing it?

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It’s really not that deep, I certainly didn’t intend it to be. I am just trying to take the frustration out of it. And frankly while it hasn’t annoyed me enough as yet if I have to put up with it as it is now for the entire expansion I don’t think I will do it precisely for the reasons you list.

And no there are no “right” anima powers but there are those that require you to do absolutely nothing while allowing you to steamroll through the place and then there are those who give you little or no benefit at all. This would be fine if the bosses were balanced with that eventuality in mind but they are not.

I’ve experienced both sides of the coin which is why I talk about the disparity with such detail, I’ve seen how drastically different the experience can be first hand and I just don’t agree with it. It shouldn’t be a cakewalk half the time and a super frustrating experience the rest of the time. There has to be a middle ground. That’s all I am advocating for. :man_shrugging:t2:

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I have a issue with the time warp abilities being the some of the most powerful. I find both the time warp cool down and bosses on the third/sixth levels don’t reset when you die.

Therefore, in order to use time warp a second time on a boss fight you have to stay in your corpse for ten minutes,

Its a fairly boring wait

Ok, I get it is supposed to vary based on the anima powers you get but the difference they make is crazy insane.

I said earlier that I could not beat a boss. I couldn’t beat him on level 1.

I faced him again. Got the right anima, and I literally just one shot him.

Impossible on level 1 with the wrong anima. One shot on level 3.

That is insane.


You 1 shot him? How did you manage to hit for that much?

In one of my runs, I got really lucky with two stacks of the +2000% damage Fireball-from-invis talent, +620% base damage from the jar-breaking power, then Rune of Power + Combustion + Invis let me blow the boss’s head off with a 725k Fireball crit.


Very very lucky with my anima powers.

I got every single anima power that increases spell damage (that I know of) and I got some of them multiple times. As well as massive increases in intellect. I got the intellect buff where you get an extra 5% per level on floor 1 or 2. As well as another intellect buff.

I knew going in that it would be an easier fight but I was a bit shocked at what the fight was.

Edit: I thought I was in GD.

edit 2: I might find a list of the anima tomorrow and see if I can remember what I had. Try and work out how one-shotting was even possible. I am very liberal with food/potions etc. I make enough on the AH that if I think a fight might be hard I will pop everything.

I know i had:
2 rune cloth wrappings.
Another one that increased damage by I think 25% (I wonder if this worked to give me 25% of the 4000% - so 5000% not 4025%)
Probably had about a 10% buff from releasing the souls.
Not sure what I had by completing the process but I don’t usually do that so it wouldn’t have been much.
Critical strike from food
Got the chest and ring enchants (still got azeroth heart and hearth enchant on bracers)
Augment rune
I had 20 or 25% extra intellect from the floor guy
Standard intellect buff
Intellect flask
ilvl in the 150’s I think.

Then touch of the magi for 4 arcane charges - then arcane power - then invisible. Then down in one shot.

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Unless it’s the cleave boss that kills all of your images in 1 hit

I’ve had 0 problems as fire you guys just don’t know how to play mage efficiently I haven’t done the third yet. But our anima powers in there really carry us flame strike damage buffed by 800% fireball from invis power rofl my mirror images cast gpyro in there